I was up at 5:00 am today, capturing my gems of inspiration.
Inspiration has been on my mind a lot lately. It’s as fleeting as wisps of a dream upon awakening. It’s like delicate clouds of puff that dissipate quickly. I remember hearing an Elizabeth Gilbert tape where she spoke of a poet who would stop wherever she was when an idea came out of the ether, take a step back, and grab it by the tail, pulling it back into her body. She’d then proceed to write it down backwards, from the last word to the first. Quite a concept.
The Muse, the Genius of the Romans, was considered to be something outside ourselves in the ancient world, that would visit at unexpected times, blessing us with its profound thoughts. One had to be aware of these moments and capture them quickly, or it would flit on to some other person. Or even just float out into the dark Universe, unfulfilled.
I jotted down whatever came to me this morning. Like slivers of gold, they needed to be caught and made into something, so I could be ready for the next glimmers floating through. One concept leads to the next. Like “View From the Ridge-Raven’s Dance” above, which began when I ‘thought’ I saw a painting of a beautiful sky on a friend’s website. Search as I might, I never could find it again. This site was about crafts, not paintings. So I just had to create what I saw in my mind’s eye.
This has happened with jewelry, too. I ‘thought’ there was some ancient art piece about a raven, and when I couldn’t find it existing anywhere, I made it myself. Interesting way to be inspired. The above painting has led me to think ‘turquoise sky’….for whatever reason. My canvas is ready and that will be my next painting. Inspired full blown concepts, much more than just a thought, must be acted upon. A thought is like one frame in a movie….it’s a piece but it’s not the movie. What I see in my mind’s eye is like the whole beginning to end, full color, 3-D, Imax experience. It’s an exciting way to create art. Be aware of your AHA moments. They are rare treasures that multiply as you give them attention!

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