Category Archives: Art and Life

Art is a Soul Connection

Art is a Soul Connection

Art is a Soul Connection with the Divine and with each other. Consciously making art with this in mind, sends ripples of positive vibrations out into the world. Knowing this will keep you inspired, calm, and uplifted through whatever the world tosses your way. First, art opens the doors to the Divine, the Universal Consciousness…Continue Reading

Living In Artist’s Time

Living In Artist’s Time

Living in Artist’s Time is a whole new approach to life. It becomes a pause in life, the space between breaths, as we enter the stillness of the moment. Artist’s Time is vast and limitless since we’re searching, listening, and creating space to manifest something never seen before. For me, art takes reflection time. I…Continue Reading

3 Ways to Make Your Art Sing

3 Ways to Make Your Art Sing

3 ways to make your art sing must begin with making it your own. This is personal to you in some way. Maybe it’s the colors you love, or the subject matter that calls to you today. Personal art is meaningful art that ignites your passion. I’m taking an online ‘painting faces’ class with the…Continue Reading

Finding Your Self in Art

Finding Your Self in Art

Finding your self in art begins with entering the sacred space of your studio with the intention of discovering the Magic. Focused conscious intention is everything. Magic, inspiration, and surprises are waiting for you. All you need to do is Start. We all begin with something. A drawing and shading project, mixing colors, brushstrokes on…Continue Reading

Touching the Magic

Touching the Magic

Touching the Magic with art as our vehicle, we enter the inner journey. This is a time to honor, share, and transform our stories. Each of us is moved by the fires and storms of the land and sea, the consuming of homes, and the changing of lives happening around us. Personal Transformation happens when…Continue Reading

Navigating the Sea of Life

Navigating the Sea of Life

Navigating the Sea of Life, I stand grounded on The Shore, gazing out across the Unknown. The surface movement is the result of deep energies, currents, and power, bringing ebb and flow into my life. In the distance, clouds rise, almost as a Cave of Light, an unending destination leading to more adventures over the…Continue Reading

The Puzzle of Life

The Puzzle of Life

The Puzzle of Life is complicated. It’s as though ‘life before’ was a 3-D puzzle, full blown with gears and wheels turning continually. We certainly didn’t make it. But we were trained to live by its rules, fit in, and be a cog in the works. Then the pandemic hit. The puzzle has fallen to…Continue Reading

Listening to your Art

Listening to your Art

Listening to your Art Makes Doing Easy Listening to your art only happens when you are engaged in doing it. It’s just like people, interaction with others, shared ideas, and supporting friends uplift and carry you forward. Encouragement, input, questions and dialogue go a long way to enriching any experience. Also, the longer we put…Continue Reading