Category Archives: Art and Life

Practicing Tough Love

Practicing Tough Love

Practicing Tough Love is Being True to your Self…no excuses Practicing tough love is stepping away from distractions, relationships, and drama that hold you back. From 20 second fast dancing blips to world catastrophes, they keep coming at us at a furious pace. Tough love is loving yourself unconditionally and coming home to art. Don’t…Continue Reading

Finding Self Compassion

Finding Self Compassion

Finding Self Compassion on the Artist’s Journey Finding Self compassion on the artists journey is the only way to keep creating, exploring, and discovering ourselves. We are a work in progress, and so is our art. Moving forward in art, poetry, dance, music, or writing, we must hold the same love, patience, and acceptance of…Continue Reading

A Proven Art Success Path

A Proven Art Success Path

A Proven Art Success Path Changes Everything. Living the Artist’s Way A proven success path exists, and works, since that’s the tried & true way taught in many Art Education programs. That’s how I learned at the University of Illinois. Teaching art at the high school level meant learning all the art techniques from Drawing,…Continue Reading

Moving Forward Through Change

Moving Forward Through Change

Moving Forward Through Change Moving forward through change with emotional cycles of deep sadness combined with new opportunities, is the fact that I’m creating a new chapter in my life. As the World reshapes itself hour by hour, I engage with curiosity and continue to rediscover my Self moment to moment. First of all, I…Continue Reading

Healing in the Days of Corona

Healing in the Days of Corona

Healing in the Days of Corona: Essentials for Happiness Healing in the days of Corona means entering Unknown territory. Nothing is more essential than your happiness in this strangely changing time. First essential for happiness is that the Body must be kept safe and informed. Without our health, we are lost. Hopefully we’ve learned some…Continue Reading

Meaningful Art Making

Meaningful Art Making

Meaningful Art Making marks This Moment in Time Meaningful Art Making today is honoring the Equinox, the last Full Moon, this moment in time. For me, connecting with the Earth movement through the calendar, the Equinox and Solstice events, grounds me. It places me right in this Now time, the only moment of power place…Continue Reading