Category Archives: Art and Life

Your Life Story

Your Life Story

Your Life Story In Art Your Life Story is your visual record of all you do. Plus, an art image is full, complex, and understood quickly. The brain grasps all the patterns, symbols, and images far quicker than deciphering words. Art holds a multitude of information that opens the senses to new connections. Your Life…Continue Reading

Inner Call

Inner Call

Inner Call Relieves Overwhelm: Three Steps to Clarity Inner Call is listening deeply and changing your perspective. Consciously step away from the noise, distractions, and should’s of the World. First, challenge overwhelm and Make a Decision for your Self right now. What would make you happy to do this day, or this week? In addition,…Continue Reading

Fresh Start

Fresh Start

Fresh Start, Early Spring New Moon Rituals Fresh Start time again! We’re so lucky that we can begin anew, in sync with Nature, the World, and our own body clocks. Furthermore, it’s our time to be like the popping buds on the trees, and awaken consciously to new beginnings. Fresh Start Early Spring is the…Continue Reading

New Moon Rituals

New Moon Rituals

New Moon Rituals: Spring, Magical New Beginnings New Moon Rituals of Spring welcome the return of the Sun. Rituals engage the body, heart, and soul. As we connect with the shifting season, rituals open the door to deepening our personal growth, renewal, and change. Mindful actions mark the beginning of new life while bringing closure…Continue Reading