Category Archives: Art and Life

Seasonal Transitions

Seasonal Transitions

Seasonal Transitions, Listen to Your Inner Voice Seasonal Transitions, can hit hard. We are in Late Winter to Early Spring, a time to pause and tune into our insights of head, heart, and hand. Instead, I was pushing forward to be productive, because that’s what I’ve always done. Yet, Body would have none of it.…Continue Reading

Multiple Worlds

Multiple Worlds

Multiple Worlds Contemplation, Spring Equinox Full Moon Multiple Worlds Create our reality. Spring Equinox Full Moon provides us with a pause in the Universe. First, we have the ancient world of myth honoring Ostara, Goddess of the Spring and Dawn. Also known as Easter, She brings in all her wild creative power of rebirth, death…Continue Reading

Life Passage Ways

Life Passage Ways

Life Passage Ways Are Magic Life Passage Ways are fascinating places to discover, create, and explore. They can feel small and close, while providing room for one person to maneuver through. Others feel like the Crystal Caves of Mexico, vast openings flowing deep within the mountains of emotions. I think they hit deeply since they…Continue Reading

Secret Kingdoms

Secret Kingdoms

Secret Kingdoms of the Soul Secret Kingdoms are personal. We all have one whether we honor it or not. They are our World within, our escape and refuge from the World above. Furthermore, Secret Kingdoms are filled with colorful images, embellished memories, and dreams of magical places. Imagination lives here. Where would your Magic Wand…Continue Reading

Mystical Liminal Space

Mystical Liminal Space

Mystical Liminal Space: Space In between Mystical Liminal Space fascinates me. This is the pause between what’s past and what’s next. This can be an uncomfortable time as we wait to settle into something brand new and unknown. So this is the time we’re in now, blowing from the Winter of Earth to the Spring…Continue Reading



Self-Love: Most Important Feeling of All Self-Love, accepting and loving yourself in all your forms, gives confidence, inner knowing, and direction to all you do. Foremost, Self-Love keeps you from looking outside yourself for answers. In as much as the movies say find someone who ‘completes’ you, it isn’t the true answer. What a burden…Continue Reading

Lose Your Self

Lose Your Self

Lose Your Self: Inner Journey, Healthy Balance Lose Your Self to the Inner Journey is an ultimate gift of Love. You must love yourself first, before you can completely love another. Furthermore, it’s so pleasurable to give yourself over to some creative act so completely, that Time ceases to exist. The Daydreams of life play…Continue Reading

Mid Winter Celebrations

Mid Winter Celebrations

Mid Winter Celebrations, Imbolc, Feast of the Goddess Brigit Mid Winter Celebrations are certainly welcome right about now! Therefore, as the Polar Vortex descends, let’s follow in the footsteps of the ancient ancestors. Imbolc has arrived! February 1st, this Feast of Light begins at sunset on the 31st, and extends to sunset of Feb. 2nd.…Continue Reading

Variety Is The Key to Life

Variety Is The Key to Life

Variety is the Key to Enriching Life- Expand Your Self-Expression Variety is the Key to Enriching Life with Art in all its forms. Each New Moon month, Journey to the Dreamtime offers new step by step projects, new means of Making Your Mark, and new creative surprises. As a result, like an all inclusive resort,…Continue Reading