Category Archives: Art and Life

Moon Stories

Moon Stories

Moon Stories: Goddesses, Elements, Ancestors Moon Stories of the Goddess, Grandmother Moon, and the Elements of Nature, begin each Journey Class. These tales of ancient times carry us off to lands of sacred wells, magic portals, and hidden grottoes. Furthermore, the Ancient Tales tell of renewal, healing, and prophecy. Winter Earth is all about gifts…Continue Reading

Doing Practical Magic

Doing Practical Magic

Doing Practical Magic: Practice Creates Mindfulness Doing Practical Magic means repeating something until we really get good at it. ‘Practicus’, from the Latin, is ‘fit for action’. Therefore after reading about any exciting possibilities, and thinking it to death, Doing something to get you there is what really matters. That’s where life changes and magic…Continue Reading

January New Moon Intentions

January New Moon Intentions

January New Moon Intentions: Sowing Seeds January New Moon Intentions hold Power. I love the Moon. Following Her in all Her Faces throughout the year, is magic. But Setting Intentions by Her New Moon Phases each month changes everything. I become Bear and go within my den of Self to see what needs changing. Especially…Continue Reading

Filled With Gratitude

Filled With Gratitude

Filled With Gratitude- family, old traditions, love Filled with gratitude, I move into the Holiday Season of dinners, presents, and memories of Christmas past. First of all, my first thoughts on waking are so thankful for a healthy body. At least, I know pretty well when it needs the Vitamin C, nasal rinse, allergy tablet,…Continue Reading

Winter Solstice Intentions

Winter Solstice Intentions

Winter Solstice Intentions- Restart Life Winter Solstice Intentions are powerful to restart life. When everything seems to be falling apart, I become Bear and seek the solace, the peace, the stillness of the cave within, to find myself again. Furthermore, I know this path. I have ‘remodeled’ my life many times over the years. Yet,…Continue Reading

Feast of Light Ancient Traditions

Feast of Light Ancient Traditions

Feast of Light Ancient Traditions are Personal too Feast of Light, gathering together during the longest, darkest nights of the year, is ancient. It’s memory is held deep withing our DNA, inherited from the Ancestors. First of all, this time of Autumn flowing into Winter, Water into Earth, brings us home on a deep feeling…Continue Reading

Setting New Moon Intentions Creates Power

Setting New Moon Intentions Creates Power

Setting New Moon Intentions Creates Power: 5 Ways to Move Forward Setting New Moon Intentions Creates Power in so many ways. Life shifts, relationships turn, and opportunities arrive when you set your focus on your Personal life changing needs, desires, and dreams. 1. Setting Intentions is always a New Moon ritual. I’ve heard this forever.…Continue Reading

Seeking Sacred Space in Chaos

Seeking Sacred Space in Chaos

 Seeking Sacred Space in Chaos, New Moon of Scorpio Seeking Sacred Space in Chaos can be daunting. First of all, I have read that the New Moon in Scorpio means embracing all my emotions, especially the ones I don’t want. Furthermore, shifting forces and emotional upheaval happening in politics, weather, and cultures, spread overall feelings…Continue Reading

Land of Spirit Rituals

Land of Spirit Rituals

 Hunters Full Moon- We move between the Worlds Land of Spirit Rituals are strong this time of the Year. Rituals to connect with loved ones have ruled this Autumn cycle for thousands of years in all cultures. The Veils are thin, so they say. First of all, the Ancient Tribes of the Boedica would create…Continue Reading