Category Archives: Art and Life

Gathering to Create Art Brings Me Home to Myself

Gathering to Create Art Brings Me Home to Myself

We gather to come home, to Re-member Our scattered pieces, to Bring Ourselves back to Wholeness. Gathering to create art, we enter our sanctuary, our safe haven, our personal space. Here we can say whatever is on our mind and what matters most to us, as we imagine our world of love. First of all,…Continue Reading

Leonardo’s Art & Science

Leonardo’s Art & Science

A model of one of his Flying Machine theories Leonardo’s Art & Science Is Magic Leonardo’s Art Science Museum is like entering the adult Disney World. Actually seeing the amazing curious models of Leonardo’s inventions brings wonder, awe, and great humility to my soul. Plus, being in Florence, where he spent his early formative years,…Continue Reading

The Art of Rome Magic

The Art of Rome Magic

; Angel Playing the Viola by Melozzo de Forli (degli Ambrosi) Vatican Museum The Art of Rome Magic: The Pantheon, Inspiring, Haunting The Art of Rome Magic of the Pantheon makes me ‘see’ life in a new way. Michelangelo thought this temple was built by the Angels. Unbelievable that I’m mingling with Romans on the…Continue Reading

Fall Equinox Magic Energy

Fall Equinox Magic Energy

There’s More Magic in the World Than You Think Fall Equinox Magic Energy flows strong. The Energies of Magic are everywhere. Before anything manifests in our world, it begins in the hidden, invisible realms of energy. As we move forward to our September Harvest Full Moon and Fall Equinox, we again feel a pause in…Continue Reading

Leonardo, Sacred Geometry, Truth

Leonardo, Sacred Geometry, Truth

Leonardo, Sacred Geometry, Truth: Man of the Ages Leonardo, Sacred Geometry, Truth Seeker! I know that’s what made me so entranced by the man, the engineer, the scientist, or and yes, the artist. Leonardo was truly a Renaissance Man, in that his curiosity led him to explore every pattern of Nature. He wanted to know…Continue Reading

Magic of Making Art Makes Us Human

Magic of Making Art Makes Us Human

 Magic of Making Art Makes Us Human- It’s Ancient, It’s Our Birthright The Magic of Making Art Makes Us Human and has been strong in me since I first held crayon to paper. The Magic of Making Art, the applying of brilliant color, the turning a blank sheet into a rainbow of marks, the creating…Continue Reading

Drawing Organic Fun Sacred Geometry

Drawing Organic Fun Sacred Geometry

Drawing Organic Fun Sacred Geometry. Show the Mark of the Maker. Drawing Organic, Fun, Sacred Geometry, as I call it, was no where to be found. Where’s the intuitive, freestyle, hand of the maker, fun approach to Sacred Geometry? Search online and there are tons of videos showing a very ordered, measured approach to shapes,…Continue Reading

Healing Mandalas Magic

Healing Mandalas Magic

 Shimmering Colors, Symbolic Shapes, Sound and Focus Create Healing Mandalas Magic What is Healing Mandalas Magic? How does making a Mandala heal the body? I wanted to know. I had read about amazing healing results on many sites. While a cancer healing, a successful surgery, and psychological fragmentation made whole, were written in detail by…Continue Reading