Category Archives: Art and Life

Magic Flows in a Secret World

Magic Flows in a Secret World

 Magic Flows in the Secret Place Beneath the Everyday World. Magic Flows like a hidden undercurrent beneath the physical world. Even though most of the surface world goes unseeing, Magic flows endlessly. It creates synchronicity, magnetic meetings of people and things, and serendipitous moments of power. First of all, Magic flows for those who look…Continue Reading

Crystal Caves, Merlin, Magic Connections

Crystal Caves, Merlin, Magic Connections

  Crystal Caves, Merlin, Magic Connections with our New Moon Gathering Bring in the New Moon Energy as Crystal Caves, Merlin, Magic Connections carry us to the Timeless inner Sanctuary of the heart.  It’s a mystery how I rediscovered the Camelot series at this time.  Crystal Caves, Merlin, Magic, Arthur, and Guinevere all came flooding…Continue Reading

Magic Plant Medicine, Wants Happen

Magic Plant Medicine, Wants Happen

  Plant Medicine, Herbs, Flowers: Magic. What I Want, Happens! For the past month, I wanted to add the Wisdom of Magic Plant Medicine, Herbs, and Flowers to our monthly New Moon Art Journey to the Dreamtime gatherings. Boom! Our newest member is a Herbalist! The Universe is just so cool. Wants Happen! Plant medicine…Continue Reading

New Moon Self Compassion, Comfort, and Love

New Moon Self Compassion, Comfort, and Love

 Nurturing Personal Truths & Self Compassion in the Kiva Heart of the Soul: An allegory for our time A New Moon Eclipse signals a time to explore the Inner Sanctum of Self Compassion, Comfort and Love. Before we can help others, we have to help ourselves. First of all, we all wear Public Masks, labels…Continue Reading

Conscious Compassion in Action

Conscious Compassion in Action

Compassion in Action Makes a Difference, Finding Your Gold Conscious Compassion in Action changes the World. Everything you choose to do, or NOT do, sends out vast ripples of energy affecting every part of your body and life. Our conscious thoughts, ideas, and intentions, start Source energy churning in many directions. First and foremost, Source…Continue Reading

Summer Solstice Full Moon When Wishes Become Intentions

Summer Solstice Full Moon When Wishes Become Intentions

Summer Solstice Full Moon: 5 Intentions to Empower Your Self Intentions are Power. While wishes belong to the realm of birthday cakes, candles blown out, presents given because you are worthy. Wishes are as ephemeral as thin clouds on a summer day, blowing in the wind. Intentions on the other hand, are rooted deep in…Continue Reading

Summer Solstice Moon Wisdom to Make a Difference

Summer Solstice Moon Wisdom to Make a Difference

Summer Solstice Wisdom Empowers all Parts of Life Inner Wisdom nurtures the Soul. At this Summer Solstice Pause in the Earth, I contemplate what fills me, where is my flow, how can I make a difference in the face of ‘cruel and inhumane’ treatment of children on our soil? The answer that came to me…Continue Reading

New Moon Mystery of Art, Passion, and Manifesting

New Moon Mystery of Art, Passion, and Manifesting

 Finding yourself in the Age of Machines. Last February, overwhelm hit. I felt as though the world was hypnotized. I saw everyone going through the motions, the same old patterns of life, and stuck. Nothing changed day after day. Where’s the passion? What’s the purpose? How can we find validity in anything we do? Where’s…Continue Reading

Time for Action to Our Dreams

Time for Action to Our Dreams

Art from the Journey to the Dreamtime Classes, Join us, Summer Solstice New Moon is coming and It’s Time to Ignite the Fire. We’ve been finding our Strengths, creating art in our Voice, and bringing the Light into our lives. As we search for our goals each day, and clear the way for new…Continue Reading