Category Archives: Art and Life

Power Animal Inspiration

Power Animal Inspiration

Journey to the Dreamtime Covers Nearly Everything. Become Your Own Visionary. Over the years, when I’d ask my students what they wanted to learn, many would say, ‘Everything’. We’d cover techniques, risk taking, finishing, and how to make every piece a success. Yet, I had the feeling we were still not covering ‘Everything’. It all…Continue Reading

Practice the Art of Manifesting

Practice the Art of Manifesting

 Finding Yourself, Taking the Artistic Inner Journey, then Manifesting Money, Clients, Fans, Heart’s Desire by Taking the Steps We all learn by Doing. You can’t just wish and hope, dream and affirm, read and know, without taking the steps to Move you Forward in Life. Manifesting is creating something you can see, feel, and measure.…Continue Reading

Manifesting Money

Manifesting Money

Here’s a Bouquet of Freedom, Abundance, and Adventure. Manifesting Money Added to the Journey to the Dreamtime Classes Something I’ve worked with all my life, manifesting money in a changing world, will be the new third section of each Dreamtime Class. It’s Time we all opened up our attitudes about allowing money to flow into…Continue Reading

Imagine Immersing in Your Personal Space

Imagine Immersing in Your Personal Space

Finding Your Spiritual Core with Art When you are no longer into Survival Mode, and can Finally give your SELF Time, join our Creative Community and find Yourself! Devote You Time to discovering your built in Creator Self, the one you were born with, the one crying out to be heard. Your Mark, Your Voice…Continue Reading

Sign Up Today: Journey Online Lessons Available Now

Sign Up Today: Journey Online Lessons Available Now

What Ignites your fire? What Lightens you Up? What Calls to your Heart & Brings you Alive? Journey to the Dreamtime Online is up and running! I feel as though I’m meeting up with forever friends on these first days of Spring. We’re so done with the Old, and ready for the New. Play has a…Continue Reading

Journey to the Dreamtime Sign Up Today

Journey to the Dreamtime Sign Up Today

Inspired Creativity so often is just getting out of your own way. Crane is the messenger between the worlds. She guards the opening to the Inner Path of Wisdom. Join us as Art illuminates the Way. 1. Learn to get past the thinking, doubtful mind and find clarity & Direction in all you do. 2.…Continue Reading

Equinox Balance Rabbit of Finding Yourself

Equinox Balance Rabbit of Finding Yourself

Great Rabbit of Balance, Heart’s Desire, and Reflections This Vernal Equinox, as the Sun pauses over the equator, is a Time to Balance demands vs wants, heart’s desire vs routine, and play vs work. If we live within our own True Self, our work becomes play. Anything less is not validating this day in your…Continue Reading