Category Archives: Art and Life

The Mystical & Cyberspace

The Mystical & Cyberspace

Days of Demands, Distractions, & Decisions My first real warning of a problem brewing was when Donald the Russian (I’m not making this up!!) somehow appeared as a member of my online class without paying! Then suddenly, both of my WordPress sites became un-secured. Next came the results from an orthodontist: braces for 2 years…Continue Reading

The Land of Poets, Dreamers, and Explorers

The Land of Poets, Dreamers, and Explorers

Vernal Equinox: Balance Reality with Imagination At this magical time of the year, when the daylight is about as long as the night, let’s shift our focus from the reality out there, to the personal within. Remember a time when you use to immerse yourself in everything you did? When the only thing that mattered…Continue Reading

Committed to Happiness

Committed to Happiness

Mind is just crazy to defend itself, validate, be right It’s such an obsessive thing. I understand it’s kept me alive this long and served me well. But there has to come a time to reign it in, get control, and just settle down. Mind can’t stand to be disrespected, dishonored, or especially dismissed! But…Continue Reading

Where has Consciousness Gone…?

Where has Consciousness Gone…?

The Mental World is a Sticky Business It sucks you in. It’s like a Carnival side show that holds your undivided attention. A scary movie that keeps you glued to the screen. Monkey Mind obsesses, as outlandish thoughts keep the masses hypnotized, astounded, and limited. Chemicals course through our bodies with every emotion, playing havoc…Continue Reading

Time for New Life, New Beginnings

Time for New Life, New Beginnings

Happy Imbolc! An Ancient Holiday of Destiny and Fertility As the days start to get a little longer, and winter loosens its tight hold on the land, the Celts honored the natural order with major celebrations to move the energy of the Seasons forward. The Great Festival of Imbolc, beginning at sundown of Jan. 31,…Continue Reading

Song of the Mother

Song of the Mother

Earth Mother is the Goddess Herself, and She Has Knowledge to Share Ancients have known Her as Gaia, Danu, Tara, Mut, Shikena, Ninsun, Asherah, Pachamama, Hathor, Durga, Shakti, and Rhea. Thousands of Earth Mother fertility figures have been found worldwide, dating back 35,000 years. Her songs are of love, abundance, and beauty, as well as…Continue Reading