Category Archives: Art and Life

Spirit Of Place

Spirit Of Place

The Land Holds a Memory of All the Energies that have Come Before. Emotionally charged gatherings, whenever people have come together to remember, chant, light fires, dance, sing, and tell their stories of life, love, and death, leave their mark on the Earth Mother. The Earth remembers and these sites become Sacred Ground. Our histories,…Continue Reading

The Fascinating Creative Process

The Fascinating Creative Process

How do You Find Your Inspiration? The Turquoise Cliffs above have been in my mind’s eye for a few days. They were so vivid, I thought I had painted them before. Searching through my ‘archives’ produced nothing. So I made some samples and then a video demo of the making of this painting for YouTube.…Continue Reading

Create Your Prequel

Create Your Prequel

                     Prequels Link All You Have Been, To All You Are Becoming Prequels are everywhere. Look at the excellent ‘Rogue One’ prequel to the entire Star Wars Saga, with its amazing representation of Grand Moff Tarkin and cruisers, pilots, and robots we have all learned to love with each movie. It beautifully shows us all…Continue Reading

The Sacred Dark to Birth New Light

The Sacred Dark to Birth New Light

Winter Solstice Longest Night of the Year “Nothing can cure the soul but the senses just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul” Oscar Wilde Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, is a time of Dreaming. There’s a place I go, a cave within the heart. Fox leaps & dances in…Continue Reading

Invoking the Goddess

Invoking the Goddess

Keeping Balance in my Personal Patriarchal Overload The Microcosm reflects the Macrocosm! Surrounded by workers installing new cathedral windows before winter ‘really’ hits, and nursing a husband who has returned from a trip with bronchitis that hopefully is not pneumonia, I had to take stock of my situation and find ways to express my creativity.…Continue Reading

New Moon Thoughts: Being Needed in Love

New Moon Thoughts: Being Needed in Love

Being Needed is a Virtue, Being Needy is Not… We’ve all heard of the unhealthiness of a relationship based on neediness. When you do anything to keep a situation going even to the point of losing yourself, your identity, your goals and dreams just to please or save another person, it leaves you empty, drained,…Continue Reading

Follow Your Light

Follow Your Light

See this Opportunity to Bring Your Personal Gift to the World. We’ve all lived through personal tough times. Life has always been a balance of the treacherous and sublime. Imagine this. What if we made this our time of Awakening, our huge Opportunity to act on the inner call. Can I wake up my genetic…Continue Reading

Life Through the Rear View Mirror

Life Through the Rear View Mirror

When Life Shakes You Up, Follow Your Own Agenda Imagine this. You are driving your car, remembering that you are the driver & no one else, and you see all your life experiences up to this point, this day, flowing behind you, getting farther away, through your rear view mirror. It’s the life you left…Continue Reading