Category Archives: Art and Life

Imagine Living for 115 yrs

Imagine Living for 115 yrs

Delicate tips of our DNA control our inner Biological Clock. Scientists are closer than ever to cracking the longevity code held in our DNA. These tips of chromosomes in every cell are called Telomeres. The longer our telomeres, the healthier, stronger, and longer our lives. Each time a cell divides, the telomere gets shorter, until…Continue Reading

White Magic: Inner Healing

White Magic: Inner Healing

White Magic, white rabbit, white unicorn= healing miracles. White Magic is about going deep, seeking the elusive connection within, sparking illumination that creates miracles in the real world. We all know it happens. It’s magic because we can’t explain it…yet. Words aren’t enough to do justice to a profound inner shift. I believe my body…Continue Reading

Did You Ever Feel Filled with Light?

Did You Ever Feel Filled with Light?

It’s a ‘Lightness of Being’ Feeling The feeling is Amazing! You can’t ‘think’ your way there, but there is a way. Just gift yourself with 3 min. I start with deep breathing, because then my body knows it’s safe to relax, calm down, and all is well. I think about the breaths going in &…Continue Reading

Magic of Synchronicity

Magic of Synchronicity

 Synchronicity Abounds Everywhere On a trip last Spring to Asheville, NC, to visit my cousin, I came across an artist whose work really drew me in. We had toured every warehouse studio complex by this time, and the art was great to see, but didn’t call to me personally. Then in an upstairs, large, bright…Continue Reading

Ancient Sacred Paris

Ancient Sacred Paris

Paris feels so mystical, magical, and sacred. I experienced something deep, moving, and profound, drawing me into the Paris landscape. It’s ancient, built on many other cities & civilizations over thousands of years. Remnants of ancient powers abound. For example, St Sulpice, standing on the site of a 13th Century church and located in the…Continue Reading

Being Parisian

Being Parisian

I wanted to experience living like a Local Besides being an American tourist in a European city, I wanted to belong. I practiced my French, studied Metro maps, and googled favorite stores, restaurants, and parks. I envisioned walking their ancient paths, shopping in their local favorite stores, and relaxing in their most beautiful gathering places.…Continue Reading