Category Archives: Art and Life

Feed Your Soul

Feed Your Soul

What transports you away from the world of transitory things, to the deeper Other World of Inner Peace? What path leads you to the place where you know personally that you are just fine, and all is well in your world? Escaping the routine does that. Consciously stepping away from the daily habits of life,…Continue Reading

Look to the Skies

Look to the Skies

The Days of Shooting Stars has Returned For thousands of years, men have looked to the skies for prophecy, enlightenment, knowledge, and omens. The Old Ones built earthworks, observatories, calendars, sundials, and star maps, all to better know their relationship to their world and themselves. The Sky was a master tool with the regular motions…Continue Reading

We Create Our Own Reality Daily

We Create Our Own Reality Daily

“If you can’t find the truth right where you are, where do you expect to find it?” Dogen Zendi Birth your Reality every day. Each summer morning, I look for our 2 rabbits, inhale the pungent morning scent of blooming flowers and cool woods, listen to light classical or meditative instrumental music, and savor a…Continue Reading

The Home of Truth & Love

The Home of Truth & Love

Everyone has an agenda, and it’s Very Personal Overwhelm is easy these days. In a world of too much world news given immediately, every angry, fearful person deemed newsworthy, every violent act exploited as must see viewing, we each personally must take a step back and view the life we have created before us. The…Continue Reading

The Essence of You

The Essence of You

What is validity? What is security? Often, in our society, both deal with concepts of acceptance outside of ourselves…things out ‘there’ that can’t be controlled. You can’t really make anyone do what you want. It has to be an inside job, something personal. Your own personal happiness must be your measure of validity, regardless of…Continue Reading

We Are Nomads

We Are Nomads

We all are world travelers, come from somewhere else. Some stories are more recent than others, but in America, no one really started ‘here’. I heard an Irish woman say that it is so interesting to hear Americans tell the adventures of their ancestors who ended up ‘here’. Her family has lived in Ireland for…Continue Reading