Category Archives: Art and Life

Your ‘Practice’ Will Save Your Life

Your ‘Practice’ Will Save Your Life

We all will face some crisis in life. “That’s why you practice”…Dali Llama What’s your practice? What can you immerse your body, all your senses into, that pulls you out of grief, anger, denial, life changing events, even the stresses of everyday life? For some it’s meditation, the inner journey, the Breath, visualization, accented with…Continue Reading

The Art of the Flower

The Art of the Flower

Flowers are Metaphors for the cycle of Life, Death, and Resurrection! Some people seem to see flowers as frivolous, purely decorative items lacking the power to make an impact in the world. The reality is that without flowers, humanity would very likely never have evolved. The first plants were conifers, huge trees with cones, that…Continue Reading

Art and Life Lessons…..

Art and Life Lessons…..

      Intent with Knowledge Gives Fascinating Results. It’s a return to Monet and his Water Lillies, Cathedrals, or Haystacks. He saw how mindfulness, linked with painting techniques, created unique works of feeling, psychology, and desire. My flowers on the left are done with ‘warm’ blues, ‘warm’ yellows, and ‘warm’ reds, to create an…Continue Reading

Michaelangelo Would have Loved Apps!

Michaelangelo Would have Loved Apps!

Diana App overlays one image onto another Leonardo Would be Inventing More Apps!!! Keeping up with the latest & greatest in all areas of our lives, creates new opportunities, wonderful AHA moments, and just plain new fun! In the painting class I’m taking online,, some of the participants have been sharing their knowledge of…Continue Reading

Time to Dream!

Time to Dream!

A Diary of the Senses We all need time away, Daydream time, whatever that means for you! Setting time aside each week to just dream, is an important way to bring balance into your life. Daydreaming turns on certain neurological circuits that allow inspiration and intuition to ignite! It’s all personal, but often it’s just…Continue Reading