Category Archives: Art and Life

Freedom to Make Choices Every Day!

Freedom to Make Choices Every Day!

Freedom to me was escaping from an 8-4:00 ‘job’. I loved teaching high school, but I was locked into an established schedule. Be there, parked, mailbox checked, classroom doors opened by 7:45 for that first 8:00 class. Five classes of 28 students each every day, a 45 min lunch break, a homeroom, possibly study hall…Continue Reading

I so love Greece

I so love Greece

I’m so grateful we experienced this Ancient Beauty! I can’t even begin to understand all that’s happening in this fabled land these days. My friend, originally from Athens, just posted that the ancient ruins of Palmyra are now laced with mines by terrorist fanatics. They seek to control the area. Inconceivable! When we self toured…Continue Reading

Savoring the Moment

Savoring the Moment

Schedule Down time to increase pleasure, recharge, and dream! Get away from ‘busyness’, and relish the moment. Whenever you tremember to SAVOR the moment, the meal, the glass of wine or piece of chocolate, the body immediately slows down. Savoring must be done ‘off the clock’, away from technology, and can be a nurtured feeling.…Continue Reading

When Summer was Unplugged

When Summer was Unplugged

Overworked Americans Need Summer Vacations Remember when summer meant playing all day until it got dark? School ended in May, wouldn’t resume until after Labor Day in September. Summer stretched out in front of us like a long, carefree adventure, with endless possibilities. It was a frame of mind that triggered a relaxing ‘weight off…Continue Reading

Living with Vintage Art

Living with Vintage Art

Elephant Trunk, Kane Co., Brimfield, all provide gold to the discerning eye. We have discovered boxes of little metal rocket ship ornaments, clock gears, Whole carousel horses, and model airplanes on our explorations combing through tents, crates, and boxes. There were the two bronze mold templates for gold castings from jewelers in India, wonderful sets…Continue Reading

We are Living the Future Now

We are Living the Future Now

Flameless candles, iphone cameras, deep dark web, driverless cars! It sure feels like we’re living in a multi-dimensional world! Not that long ago, many people didn’t have a camera, coffee had to be brewed by the pot, items had to be plugged into wall sockets, people read newspapers for the latest info, and food had…Continue Reading