Spring Storms

The Perfect Wave came my way. I waited for it. The conjunction of Great Moon, solid land, and Me, as my wave washed over me. Here was a moment in time, the conscious Trinity of moon tides, Earth, and human witness to the power of it all. I love that wave! It moved with such…… Continue Reading
Going Beyond where you are today, moving forward even in small steps in mindfulness, opens to new possibilities. Plus, Living consciously all through the day, creates magic. Instead of the world telling us what to do, and then just following along, usually without thinking, we choose our life’s direction. By being aware, and consciously making…… Continue Reading
Mountain Springs shows the magnificent Sangre de Christo Mountains, leading up to Santa Fe. The land shifts from city, to high desert as each mile passes. Plus, the air smells sweet, the skies shimmer with incredible colors of pinks and gold, and the horizon stretches out to one of the longest mountain ranges in the…… Continue Reading
Play of Light is so amazing as the Sun hits more extreme angles and illuminates gold! On our Litchfield Hills, layers of brilliance appear, valleys lighten up, misty lavenders glide over the land, and changing colors brighten up the landscape. It’s like a dreamscape, another world. I recall reading the ‘flowering of human consciousness’ in…… Continue Reading
Three Moons of Light give direction, insights, and a path to follow. One reminds us that the body is our Partner in our evolution. The second says to Listen to the intuitive voice of Soul, that gives wisdom every day. And the third says to Follow your Desires, your feelings, since those are the offerings…… Continue Reading
Midsummer Magic is all about the Infinity of Life and Art. Both are continually evolving, growing, shifting, and changing. Our Today is made up of beautiful memories, places, and experiences, combined with the life all around us Now. This painting shows the lush forest and large blue heron of the Old Graue Mill. A magical…… Continue Reading
Summer Impressions immersed me into the beauty all around me. And then I remembered reading a Maia Toll quote of no longer seeking something to fight for, but instead, shifting to discovering something to LIVE for! The treasure is the thing that gets us going every morning. The action is fun, full of passion, and…… Continue Reading
Secret Garden II is that quiet sanctuary within each of us where we can escape, do anything, and create a life for ourselves. This safe haven is our own personal space to dream, evolve, and find meaning. My Secret Garden came about with a Celestial Event happening. The crescent Moon in Earthshine, aligned with super…… Continue Reading
Sanctuary by the Sea has 3 major parts for art and life. First, it starts with the Dream for inspiration. Second, comes the Past, memories that immerse all our senses in the body. Third, we touch the Present, that grounds us in our reality today. Consciously combining these parts of yourself in all your choices,…… Continue Reading