Category Archives: Art Classes

Art as a transformational tool, taught in art classes throughout the year.

Super Moon of Change

Super Moon of Change

Super Moon Time of Altering Paths, Letting Go, Moving On. New Super Moon signals a two part plan of action. The first, allow really new directions to carry you away to a new place, and secondly, share your gift with the world. Seek the alternative way. Making conscious changes in all you do, from your…Continue Reading

The Essence of You

The Essence of You

What is validity? What is security? Often, in our society, both deal with concepts of acceptance outside of ourselves…things out ‘there’ that can’t be controlled. You can’t really make anyone do what you want. It has to be an inside job, something personal. Your own personal happiness must be your measure of validity, regardless of…Continue Reading

We Are Nomads

We Are Nomads

We all are world travelers, come from somewhere else. Some stories are more recent than others, but in America, no one really started ‘here’. I heard an Irish woman say that it is so interesting to hear Americans tell the adventures of their ancestors who ended up ‘here’. Her family has lived in Ireland for…Continue Reading