Category Archives: art practice, art and life, artistic, personal art

Future Memory

Future Memory

Future Memory, develop sensory memory for always

Future Memory is consciously developing our Senses to remember, feel, taste, touch, hear, envision, and recall through all Dimensions. We are here so Spirit can grow, experiment, and learn all the gifts of humanity, including love. Above all, know we take them with us in pure consciousness forever.

I call these Sensory Memories. For example, I remember my first experience many years ago, when the conference presenter said to Imagine a lemon. As soon as she said it, my mouth filled with the tartness, and juiciness of Lemon!

The best part is that I am truly Being Present and Living in the Eternal Now, whenever I do this. So, I’m filled with love when I relive walking the ancient Roman cobblestone streets, tasting warm French baguettes, cheese platters and wine of Parisian cafes, as well as exploring the mystical casbah of Istanbul. Viewing the beauty of Hagia Sophia’s dome, being amazed at Istanbul’s huge carved Medusa heads, and immersing my body in the cool Caribbean to feed the silky Manta Rays, leave me in awe.

Then, I feel the sand in my toes, and hunt for exotic stones along the ancient beaches of the Mediterranean. Most of all, I am filled with the happiness and joy of vacation, freedom, play, and love. I breathe it all in and my heart and brain resonate in vibrational ecstasy Now. The feeling is everything. This is True Love, Self Love, that radiates from your inner core. It’s not love for another, but for the World you love.

‘True love is generated from within. True love is like the sun, shining with its own light, and offering that light to everyone.’ Thich Nhat Hanh

Plus, the key to these experiences is holding this high frequency, Becoming Love. Feel this pure joy of Self Love filling your body, for as long as possible. This is the healthiest way to live all through the day.

So, I carry the joy with me, bringing myself back from diversions, throughout the day. It’s like a walking meditation. Imagine, I see and am aware of the beauty, magic, and wonderful experiences that are always there, if I shift my perspective.

First, step away from distractions, and breathe into your heart. This feeling bypasses the thinking mind and brings you back to the Present Moment of power. Breathe good memories in as body aligns in harmony and balance at the deepest, healing level.

Future Memory helps us Heal.

In my journal, I asked my Future Self how do I heal? How do I clear feelings of sadness, and grief, after losing someone? Then I wrote: ‘Immerse your Self in love, beauty, and the Now. These other feelings are a moment in time. Remember all your wonderful shared adventures. Be thankful he was like a big brother and mentor to you for a lifetime. Be grateful for the Self you have become for knowing and loving him.’

Therefore, ‘Live in the Now. Plus, accept him on his journey as he moves on, learning, growing, and exploring the invisible realms.

We are forever souls, pure consciousness, carrying our memories with us wherever we go.’

So, consciously listen to music & laughter, remember tastes & feelings, to develop your Sensory Memory. Then, make all the senses a part of you. Carry them with you always. Be your Future Self with more knowing, compassion, and love.

Most of all, be aware in all you do. Honor your life, and take your wisdom with you always.

Eclipse Bear

Eclipse Bear

Eclipse Bear reminds us that we live in 2 Worlds. First, the Outer World is limited, controlling, inflexible, and black & white. In comparison, the Inner World is full of Heart, Spirit, Healing, resonance, harmony and love. Many potentials are possible on the Inner Journey. But, this calls for awareness, and consciously choosing an Alternative…Continue Reading

Hawk Power

Hawk Power

Hawk Power is the ability to go beyond the normal senses. They have been revered for their clear sense of sight, hearing, and their ability to fly at great heights. Hawks fly between 20-40 m.p.h. and dive at an incredible 120 m.p.h. Since ancient times, hawks are thought to be sacred creatures, messengers from the…Continue Reading

The Perfect Wave

The Perfect Wave

The Perfect Wave came my way. I waited for it. The conjunction of Great Moon, solid land, and Me, as my wave washed over me. Here was a moment in time, the conscious Trinity of moon tides, Earth, and human witness to the power of it all. I love that wave! It moved with such…Continue Reading

Half Moon Magic

Half Moon Magic

Half Moon Magic is knowing the magic is all around you, waiting to be perceived. Don’t think it’s coming to you in some future time. Now is the moment of power, as the Shamans say. Magic is merely that which hasn’t been explained yet. It is the powerful force of Nature that creates the Universe…Continue Reading

Dragon Moon

Dragon Moon

Dragon Moon ushers in a time of magic and mysticism in time and space. Now is the moment to shift our perspectives, open doors of opportunity, and flow in the Light of New Beginnings. Dragon has always mesmerized me. She was the power of old battles that created Camelot. She appeared in the Stars as…Continue Reading

Quiet Light

Quiet Light

Quiet Light is gathering your energies to create the best qualities of life each day. Life and art need the same resources to thrive, evolve, and Become More. Knowing what you value and require is the place to start. For me, I see 5 Basic Elements of life that must be in order for a…Continue Reading

Full Moon Wisdom Owl

Full Moon Wisdom Owl

Full Moon Wisdom Owl is stepping away from the world and taking care of your Self in every way. When Covid hits anyone close, all you can do is isolate. And that’s a great way to just turn inward for self care on a regular basis. Enter the dreamtime, the world of the imagination, and…Continue Reading

Light of Dreaming

Light of Dreaming

Light of Dreaming is stepping away from thinking, and immersing in feeling. It’s movement, flow, and your energy in trying something new. This is the ‘trusting your instincts place’ to create the Dance of Life and make a visual diary of this day in your life. People have asked me, ‘So What Should I Do?’.…Continue Reading

Future Memory
Eclipse Bear
Hawk Power
Seeing Magic
The Perfect Wave
Half Moon Magic
Dragon Moon
Quiet Light
Full Moon Wisdom Owl
Light of Dreaming