Category Archives: art practice, art and life, artistic, personal art

Going Beyond

Going Beyond

Going Beyond where you are today, moving forward even in small steps in mindfulness, opens to new possibilities. Plus, Living consciously all through the day, creates magic. Instead of the world telling us what to do, and then just following along, usually without thinking, we choose our life’s direction. By being aware, and consciously making…Continue Reading

Light of a New Day

Light of a New Day

Light of a New Day reminds us that our perception and our longing to experience life creates our reality. Each of us is unique in this way. Plus, perception goes deeper past the surface of what we think we see. Einstein said our perception of reality is distorted since we don’t go deep enough into…Continue Reading

Timeless World

Timeless World

Timeless World creates a more meaningful, fun, sensual life every day. As we step away from the constraints of schedules and deadlines, we enter into freedom, choice, and feeling. Each moment becomes inspired and leads us to the next event. We realize the energy of creation in the moment is all ours. Imagine, our attraction,…Continue Reading

Dawn of New Moon

Dawn of New Moon

Dawn of New Moon is my coming back to myself. It’s the quiet, contemplative space leading up to the great Feast of Light, Winter Solstice. Also, this is a listening, creative time to take the inner journey and find balance within and without. I step away from the world to rediscover my inner sanctuary. First…Continue Reading

Mountains of Dreams

Mountains of Dreams

Mountains of Dreams brings back all the wonderful memories of exploring the Southwest for the first time. This is home to ancient traditions, rituals, tribal dances, and magic. One breathes deeper here as they travel the road North from desert to vast mountain ranges. Back then, having lived in Chicago all my life, my art…Continue Reading

Three Ravens

Three Ravens

Three Ravens reminds us of the vastness of our world, and all the Light we cannot see. We live in a magical time of innovative technology, AI brilliance, telescopes in space, and advancing robotics. These work to enhance our Human self in miraculous ways. Scientists are able to explore new data and interpret it into…Continue Reading

Mountain Springs

Mountain Springs

Mountain Springs shows the magnificent Sangre de Christo Mountains, leading up to Santa Fe. The land shifts from city, to high desert as each mile passes. Plus, the air smells sweet, the skies shimmer with incredible colors of pinks and gold, and the horizon stretches out to one of the longest mountain ranges in the…Continue Reading

Land Of Dreams

Land Of Dreams

Land of Dreams is the place within, the inner sanctuary, where all possibilities live. At this time of the Longest Nights, consciously enter the realm of Mystery, let go of all that’s past, and be open to receiving new passion, adventure, and life. Land of Dreams, my painting, is one place I go to rediscover…Continue Reading

Enter The Dreaming

Enter The Dreaming

Enter the Dreaming is consciously entering the Dark of the year to ignite your passion and Light. This is a Letting Go time of releasing all the past year experiences, and going into the misty Unknown. Plus, this place between the worlds renews body & soul, and allows a fresh start. All possibilities live here,…Continue Reading

Three Magic Owls

Three Magic Owls

Three Magic Owls are the wisdom of choice in a changing world. They are recognizing the two parts of ourselves that present completely different approaches to life. One is the little self, many call it the Ego, who carries a fear of change, wants to hold onto what it thinks is safe, and feels powerless…Continue Reading

Going Beyond
Light of a New Day
Timeless World
Dawn of New Moon
Mountains of Dreams
Three Ravens
Mountain Springs
Land Of Dreams
Enter The Dreaming
Three Magic Owls