Category Archives: art practice, art and life, artistic, personal art

Spring Reflections

Spring Reflections

Spring Reflections, my new painting, is an image taken from the speeding auto-train taking us from Florida to Virginia. The best things about this trip were that we didn’t have to drive for three days, and the images I captured from the train. Trains go through some wild territory. For example, the land is swampy,…Continue Reading

3 Hares Mystery

3 Hares Mystery

3 Hares Mystery is an ancient symbol from China. Thousands of years old, it was first discovered in ancient Chinese cave temples, but then spread to sacred sites throughout Asia, Europe, and the UK. Plus, from synagogues to cathedrals, the mystery has been shared without any definitive explanation or origin story. So the general belief…Continue Reading

Finding The Magic

Finding The Magic

Finding the Magic is a mysterious journey. I often go looking for it. First, I put myself in a place away from the busyness of people, computers, tv, and daily routines. I seek magical places of deep forests, fairies, spirits, and crystal stones. Seeing in mindfulness, I look to powerful skies and creeks running through…Continue Reading

Fresh Eyes of Spring

Fresh Eyes of Spring

Fresh Eyes of Spring is starting New. To be in harmony with Nature is to connect to the New Solar Year, the rebirth of all life, Springtime. Plus, everything has a new beginning from the animals giving birth, the broods of birds in nests, the buds on trees, and even the growing trickle of springs…Continue Reading

Misty Morning

Misty Morning

Misty Morning signals a time of transition. The Unknown future begins to reveal itself a little at a time. No overwhelm here. We explorers don’t focus on the End of a thing, since in reality, it’s the beginning of a new adventure. Plus, we’re always given the exact knowledge needed to move forward. It’s an…Continue Reading

Living The Island Life

Living The Island Life

Living the Island Life is allowing events to happen without expectations or beliefs holding you back. It’s letting go of controlling everything you want to happen, and just living with what is. This is True Flow. Also, so much depends on our attitudes and really Being Present to life around us. Every day should be…Continue Reading

Navigating Dreams

Navigating Dreams

Navigating Dreams expands our horizons to fly higher than ever, and discover our future selves. Everything we think or dream is a part of us. If we pay attention, it can bring wisdom and healing to our lives here and now. We go to many other realms regularly, in sleeping and waking dreams. There are…Continue Reading

Many Worlds

Many Worlds

Many Worlds trigger our imagination. We enter and become a part of these places as all our senses are ignited by the sounds, scents, feel, taste, and sights before our eyes. Science has found that the same areas of the brain light up whether we read about it, see a movie of it, or actually…Continue Reading

Moon of Mystery

Moon of Mystery

Moon of Mystery is a reflection of the mystery of us all. She’s there, but disappears into other places, sometimes appears so huge and strong, then diminishes herself into a pale beacon in a blue sky. She’s often brilliant at night, and subdued during the day. We love Her best when she dependably appears after…Continue Reading

Spring Reflections
3 Hares Mystery
Finding The Magic
Fresh Eyes of Spring
Heaven On Earth
Misty Morning
Living The Island Life
Navigating Dreams
Many Worlds
Moon of Mystery