Category Archives: art practice, art and life, artistic, personal art

Art and Soul Connections

Art and Soul Connections

Art and Soul Connections come from the deepest dreams. When I create art that speaks to me, I find it also speaks to others. In an Art Fair some years ago, a young woman came in to get a closer look at one of my shadowbox pieces. A piece of driftwood had been transformed into…Continue Reading

The Dreaming Way

The Dreaming Way

The Dreaming Way is a Journey Painting. It’s born from intuition, whispers from the Soul, and trusting the inner journey. I always start with what I Know. The 2 wrens and the baby rabbit kept appearing in my life. The wrens are diligent, brave, and each have their own nest on our deck. They live…Continue Reading

Into The Mystery

Into The Mystery

Into the Mystery is a brave approach to life and art. It’s an especially great way to live in changing times. We all like to feel that we are secure, and have a bit of control over our future. But the reality is that the world is full of surprises and very unpredictable. What we…Continue Reading

Creativity is Everything

Creativity is Everything

Creativity is Everything. Anything original made by you is full of meaning, holds the Makers Mark, and makes the invisible visible. What a great gift to offer to the world. No one holds the same idea, creates in the same way, or has the same life wisdom as you do. You are as all humans…Continue Reading

Summer Solstice Transformation

Summer Solstice Transformation

Summer Solstice Transformation this year is the balance of the Fire Dragon of change with Kwan Yin, the Goddess of mercy and compassion. This is also the Dance of Dark and Light, Yin and Yang, the Unknown and Inner wisdom. The Dance keeps us moving forward in enlightenment, change, and evolution. Fire Dragon hit me…Continue Reading

The Secret Hidden Place

The Secret Hidden Place

The Secret Hidden Place is our refuge and protection when challenges confront us. Fox knows her place very well. She ran past our window, and up over a hill, to get to her hidden rain pipe in the woods. There, I imagine her looking out upon her world view. With her much wider field of…Continue Reading

4 Steps To Inner Journey

4 Steps To Inner Journey

4 Steps to Inner Journey always begins with Conscious Exploring. Here we have our 3 Intrepid Rabbits, beginning their journey to find the Light. They guide themselves by the stars, aided by a Full Moon. Plus, symbols of alchemy shine the path through the opening to the Other World. It’s there waiting for us to…Continue Reading

Be As a Flower in a Timeless Universe

Be As a Flower in a Timeless Universe

Be as a Flower in a Timeless Universe, without a watch, schedule, or deadline, allows us to truly live in the present. Can you imagine being a part of Nature and just following your instincts, feelings, and inner wisdom? Physics has no place for ‘time’. Time is an illusion, but that’s OK, even if it…Continue Reading

The Dream Place is Another World

The Dream Place is Another World

The Dream Place is Another World, as true as our waking reality. My Dream House is where I begin, as I drift off to another dimension each night. It is filled with rooms, billowing sheer curtains, breezy warm days, and surrounded by beauty. Next, different paths lead off the back. One to a long beach…Continue Reading

Being Clever As Raven

Being Clever As Raven

Being as Clever as Raven would take some doing. We’d have to see the world every day with Fresh Eyes, be willing to fly free across the land, and cooperate with our fellow travelers on the Journey of Life. Furthermore, brilliant ravens and crows creatively solve problems, cleverly make tools of whatever is at hand.…Continue Reading

Art and Soul Connections
The Dreaming Way
Into The Mystery
Creativity is Everything
Summer Solstice Transformation
The Secret Hidden Place
4 Steps To Inner Journey
Be As a Flower in a Timeless Universe
The Dream Place is Another World
Being Clever As Raven