Moon Goddess

Eclipse Bear reminds us that we live in 2 Worlds. First, the Outer World is limited, controlling, inflexible, and black & white. In comparison, the Inner World is full of Heart, Spirit, Healing, resonance, harmony and love. Many potentials are possible on the Inner Journey. But, this calls for awareness, and consciously choosing an Alternative…… Continue Reading
Spring Storms this year are wilder than ever. Usually, March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb, but this year, April is playing that role. Plus, cold winds & cool temps keep Spring away. First, April 1st saw the top 1/3 of our neighbors 100′ tall white pine, crack and fall towards…… Continue Reading
Hawk Power is the ability to go beyond the normal senses. They have been revered for their clear sense of sight, hearing, and their ability to fly at great heights. Hawks fly between 20-40 m.p.h. and dive at an incredible 120 m.p.h. Since ancient times, hawks are thought to be sacred creatures, messengers from the…… Continue Reading
Raven of New Light continues the Raven Tales of bringing Light to mankind. She carries the ease, comfort, love, and harmony of letting go of old, and allowing inner wisdom, enlightenment, and harmony to navigate life. The inner journey of light begins the transformation. First Raven was white. She has always been a protector, prophet,…… Continue Reading
Shift in Perspective begins as a subtle feeling. It’s hard to describe, but you know things are changing. First, it happens within you, and like the painting above, it feels as though you are stepping out of a cave. Light starts to glimmer, heaviness peels away, and life opens up to you in New Ways…… Continue Reading
The Perfect Wave came my way. I waited for it. The conjunction of Great Moon, solid land, and Me, as my wave washed over me. Here was a moment in time, the conscious Trinity of moon tides, Earth, and human witness to the power of it all. I love that wave! It moved with such…… Continue Reading
Half Moon Magic is knowing the magic is all around you, waiting to be perceived. Don’t think it’s coming to you in some future time. Now is the moment of power, as the Shamans say. Magic is merely that which hasn’t been explained yet. It is the powerful force of Nature that creates the Universe…… Continue Reading
Going Beyond where you are today, moving forward even in small steps in mindfulness, opens to new possibilities. Plus, Living consciously all through the day, creates magic. Instead of the world telling us what to do, and then just following along, usually without thinking, we choose our life’s direction. By being aware, and consciously making…… Continue Reading
Light of a New Day reminds us that our perception and our longing to experience life creates our reality. Each of us is unique in this way. Plus, perception goes deeper past the surface of what we think we see. Einstein said our perception of reality is distorted since we don’t go deep enough into…… Continue Reading