Category Archives: Art with a Focus

Summer Solstice Moon Wisdom to Make a Difference

Summer Solstice Moon Wisdom to Make a Difference

Summer Solstice Wisdom Empowers all Parts of Life Inner Wisdom nurtures the Soul. At this Summer Solstice Pause in the Earth, I contemplate what fills me, where is my flow, how can I make a difference in the face of ‘cruel and inhumane’ treatment of children on our soil? The answer that came to me…Continue Reading

Time for Action to Our Dreams

Time for Action to Our Dreams

Art from the Journey to the Dreamtime Classes, Join us, Summer Solstice New Moon is coming and It’s Time to Ignite the Fire. We’ve been finding our Strengths, creating art in our Voice, and bringing the Light into our lives. As we search for our goals each day, and clear the way for new…Continue Reading

Power Animal Inspiration

Power Animal Inspiration

Journey to the Dreamtime Covers Nearly Everything. Become Your Own Visionary. Over the years, when I’d ask my students what they wanted to learn, many would say, ‘Everything’. We’d cover techniques, risk taking, finishing, and how to make every piece a success. Yet, I had the feeling we were still not covering ‘Everything’. It all…Continue Reading

Manifesting Money

Manifesting Money

Here’s a Bouquet of Freedom, Abundance, and Adventure. Manifesting Money Added to the Journey to the Dreamtime Classes Something I’ve worked with all my life, manifesting money in a changing world, will be the new third section of each Dreamtime Class. It’s Time we all opened up our attitudes about allowing money to flow into…Continue Reading

Sign Up Today: Journey Online Lessons Available Now

Sign Up Today: Journey Online Lessons Available Now

What Ignites your fire? What Lightens you Up? What Calls to your Heart & Brings you Alive? Journey to the Dreamtime Online is up and running! I feel as though I’m meeting up with forever friends on these first days of Spring. We’re so done with the Old, and ready for the New. Play has a…Continue Reading

Journey to the Dreamtime Sign Up Today

Journey to the Dreamtime Sign Up Today

Inspired Creativity so often is just getting out of your own way. Crane is the messenger between the worlds. She guards the opening to the Inner Path of Wisdom. Join us as Art illuminates the Way. 1. Learn to get past the thinking, doubtful mind and find clarity & Direction in all you do. 2.…Continue Reading

Imagine Entering the Dreamtime

Imagine Entering the Dreamtime

Trust the Process, Going Deeper As the weather channel makes camp just 30 min away, the Nor-Easter blankets my world with heavy, wet snow. It’s the perfect studio day, a Maker’s day, a day to go inward and seek the treasure that will transcend me and my art to a new level. I loved when…Continue Reading