Category Archives: Art with a Focus

4 Steps to Be Master of your Life

4 Steps to Be Master of your Life

Being Master & Commander of Your Ship Exploring the sailing port towns of southern Connecticut and Rhode Island, takes you back to an amazing time of hearty settlers, shipbuilders, and sailors. Homes and towns dating from the 17th and 18th Century still hold their historic magic over all. I just kept thinking of the whalers,…Continue Reading

New Moon Mysteries

New Moon Mysteries

Gifts from the New Moon As I’m creating my new classes for The Sensual Artist, I find I’m becoming more aware of life in all my senses. It’s choosing Consciousness over Mental, awareness over mundane. Another layer lies beneath all that is obvious, and it’s full of meaning, depth, and connections to the True Self.…Continue Reading

Super Moon of Change

Super Moon of Change

Super Moon Time of Altering Paths, Letting Go, Moving On. New Super Moon signals a two part plan of action. The first, allow really new directions to carry you away to a new place, and secondly, share your gift with the world. Seek the alternative way. Making conscious changes in all you do, from your…Continue Reading

Stability in a Shifting World

Stability in a Shifting World

Do You ever Wonder how to be Grounded in the Whirlwind of Life? The Whisperings & Lessons of Fox Medicine still come to me. Thick and Lush, the Forest holds many secret places, and hidden dangers. The 1700’s stone wall is the  highway for small creatures, as the stream flows deeply beyond, cutting through it…Continue Reading

Be The Artists, Writers, Creators of Life

Be The Artists, Writers, Creators of Life

We are all the Storytellers of our Lives Are you a notetaker of inspired thoughts, do you keep a dream book, or journal your vacation pictures with details? Telling stories is the Human thing to do. I have journals filled with so many adventures, visions, and experiences, that My Peak Challenge is to get something…Continue Reading

The Mystical & Cyberspace

The Mystical & Cyberspace

Days of Demands, Distractions, & Decisions My first real warning of a problem brewing was when Donald the Russian (I’m not making this up!!) somehow appeared as a member of my online class without paying! Then suddenly, both of my WordPress sites became un-secured. Next came the results from an orthodontist: braces for 2 years…Continue Reading