Category Archives: Art with a Focus

The Inspired ‘Piece’

The Inspired ‘Piece’

The Inspiration that put it all together was just one Major Piece of the Puzzle. This painting was very different right from the beginning. It began with my Blog entry. For me, I clearly felt deep emotional memories as ghosts nestling into my body. They obsessed themselves and wouldn’t be dismissed. Some I never want…Continue Reading

Time vs Eternity

Time vs Eternity

Seen vs Invisible, Wabi vs Sabi, Manifested vs Inspired. This is Life. All energies are gathering, forming, uniting in the Invisible Realms, long before we see anything appear right before our very eyes. Our ‘reality’ is the last place, the pause far down the line of creation, the slowest moving segment of the Force, that…Continue Reading

Art as Healing

Art as Healing

I’ve always believed my art was a reflection of my life. While going through a relationship changing misunderstanding with my cousin, I was drawn to paint our stormy, windy, powerful thunder and lightening, roaring sky happening. It was an upheaval of major proportions to our land and to my inner peaceful heart. By creating this…Continue Reading

Ancient Civilization Inspiration

Ancient Civilization Inspiration

   What gets your passion flowing, your curiosity piqued, your senses come alive? I LOVE the mystery of ancient artifacts, standing stones and cairns, the magnificent creations the ancients left behind. The latest exhibit at the National Art Museum of Scotland reveals a treasure trove of ‘Celtic’ craftsmanship with influences, skill, and materials traced from…Continue Reading

The Creative Spark

The Creative Spark

Be Engaged in Creativity Every Day. Mornings are for inspiration! Get your curiosity going for the day. Read/Listen to your favorite inspirational author. Sketch, write, gather information. Be aware of what you’re drawing to you and only keep the uplifting good stuff. Start the day off with whatever exciting thing you can imagine. Surprise yourself!…Continue Reading



What if you could…. totally and completely immerse yourself in the moment….absolutely lose track of all time….feel deeply into inspiration without thinking…..and touch the creative spark within to make an artistic work about this moment of your Life??? What if the magical Gate opened, allowing you to enter a place of pure inspiration? What if…Continue Reading