Category Archives: Art with a Focus

The Art of the Flower

The Art of the Flower

Flowers are Metaphors for the cycle of Life, Death, and Resurrection! Some people seem to see flowers as frivolous, purely decorative items lacking the power to make an impact in the world. The reality is that without flowers, humanity would very likely never have evolved. The first plants were conifers, huge trees with cones, that…Continue Reading

Art and Life Lessons…..

Art and Life Lessons…..

      Intent with Knowledge Gives Fascinating Results. It’s a return to Monet and his Water Lillies, Cathedrals, or Haystacks. He saw how mindfulness, linked with painting techniques, created unique works of feeling, psychology, and desire. My flowers on the left are done with ‘warm’ blues, ‘warm’ yellows, and ‘warm’ reds, to create an…Continue Reading

Time to Dream!

Time to Dream!

A Diary of the Senses We all need time away, Daydream time, whatever that means for you! Setting time aside each week to just dream, is an important way to bring balance into your life. Daydreaming turns on certain neurological circuits that allow inspiration and intuition to ignite! It’s all personal, but often it’s just…Continue Reading

Creative Play: a Necessity of Life

Creative Play: a Necessity of Life

What’s NEW for You? Every day, seek out the NEW for YOU experience. Focus your consciousness on that bright, far out, thing you can try, risk, explore, and you draw new energies to you like a magnet. It changes everything! Let this become your Daily Mantra. This is why I don’t like ‘bucket lists’. They…Continue Reading

Make Data Visible with Art!

Make Data Visible with Art!

                         As data increases, Artists are joining the Data Science Culture. For the sake of clarity and understanding of the DAILY millions of tweets, millions of photo shares, and billions of viewed videos, art is the go to medium for data presentation. Visualization, design, and creativity are more important than ever in making sense of…Continue Reading

What Moves You?

What Moves You?

Allow your Passion to be your Guiding Force throughout the day! Each day, I make time for Play. Creative Play. Daydreaming time touched by some insight that seems to float into my awareness. When I listen to what I’m inspired to do, it’s touched with passion, originality, and the inner creative force. If I sat…Continue Reading

Freedom to Make Choices Every Day!

Freedom to Make Choices Every Day!

Freedom to me was escaping from an 8-4:00 ‘job’. I loved teaching high school, but I was locked into an established schedule. Be there, parked, mailbox checked, classroom doors opened by 7:45 for that first 8:00 class. Five classes of 28 students each every day, a 45 min lunch break, a homeroom, possibly study hall…Continue Reading