Category Archives: Art with a Focus

Spirits of Place

Spirits of Place

Spirits of Place Hold an Energy, a Power, a Feeling Spirits of Place, or even of an object, can be felt by our Heart intuition and Gut instinct. Last week, upon entering John Bosshard’s long, narrow building filled with antiques, we felt a calm presence there. Buddhas, sculptures, and architectural items each told a story…Continue Reading

Art Transformation

Art Transformation

Art Transformation in Subtle but True Increments Art Transformation happens as we shift our habits. When I think back to my first Art Transformation, I was coming out of teaching high school for 22 yrs. The system burned me out. First of all, there were too many state requirements, while not enough caring for what…Continue Reading

Art Transforms

Art Transforms

Art Transforms our Thinking, Seeing, Living Art Transforms my life in so many ways. It is my refuge away away from the world. Moreover, my studio is my sanctuary, my womb of creativity. Whether I’m painting, noting ideas, or writing my new class or blog, it’s all about living a creative life. This direction gives…Continue Reading

Energy is Finite

Energy is Finite

Energy is Finite: Cycles of Change Renew, Refill, and Recharge Us Energy is Finite when old skins need to be shed. Plus, like a snake sliding through the rocks, we must continually move forward. It might start with a strong emotional feeling that our work is no longer a priority in peoples lives. I’ve been…Continue Reading

Late Summer Alchemy

Late Summer Alchemy

Late Summer Alchemy, the Sultry Harvest Season, Fire blends with Water Late Summer Alchemy can be felt everywhere. The leaves are all a darker mature green, hydrangeas are fading, while dawn isn’t as bright and twilight descends sooner. Moreover, mornings are crisper here where I live on the ridge. Mists often roll in as cooler…Continue Reading

Courage to Create

Courage to Create

Courage to Create: Doing, Repeating, Practicing When I wanted to return back to painting after teaching jewelry here in Connecticut for 9 yrs, I wondered how to begin. It wasn’t in me to go back to the mixed media, structured oil pastels/gouache I did back in Chicago. I had changed and I knew my techniques…Continue Reading

Making Invisible Visible

Making Invisible Visible

Making the Invisible Visible: Seeing as an Artist Sees Making the Invisible Visible is the Magic of every Artist. From a painter to a musician or dancer, artists are creating from the innermost land of their soul. Also, this is a place of no thinking, no time, and no hurry. Furthermore, imagination and intuition whisper…Continue Reading

Your Artistic Style

Your Artistic Style

Your Artistic Style is Your Unique Art Signature Your Artistic Style puts you into Flow. Furthermore, it’s your perfect timeless place to create and lose yourself. Creating in your personal style and technique comes easily, is fun and flows like soft waves on a beach. Your Style consists of a combination of many things. Also,…Continue Reading