Category Archives: Connecting

Create Your Prequel

Create Your Prequel

                     Prequels Link All You Have Been, To All You Are Becoming Prequels are everywhere. Look at the excellent ‘Rogue One’ prequel to the entire Star Wars Saga, with its amazing representation of Grand Moff Tarkin and cruisers, pilots, and robots we have all learned to love with each movie. It beautifully shows us all…Continue Reading

The Sacred Dark to Birth New Light

The Sacred Dark to Birth New Light

Winter Solstice Longest Night of the Year “Nothing can cure the soul but the senses just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul” Oscar Wilde Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, is a time of Dreaming. There’s a place I go, a cave within the heart. Fox leaps & dances in…Continue Reading

New Moon Thoughts: Being Needed in Love

New Moon Thoughts: Being Needed in Love

Being Needed is a Virtue, Being Needy is Not… We’ve all heard of the unhealthiness of a relationship based on neediness. When you do anything to keep a situation going even to the point of losing yourself, your identity, your goals and dreams just to please or save another person, it leaves you empty, drained,…Continue Reading

Life Through the Rear View Mirror

Life Through the Rear View Mirror

When Life Shakes You Up, Follow Your Own Agenda Imagine this. You are driving your car, remembering that you are the driver & no one else, and you see all your life experiences up to this point, this day, flowing behind you, getting farther away, through your rear view mirror. It’s the life you left…Continue Reading

Imagine Living for 115 yrs

Imagine Living for 115 yrs

Delicate tips of our DNA control our inner Biological Clock. Scientists are closer than ever to cracking the longevity code held in our DNA. These tips of chromosomes in every cell are called Telomeres. The longer our telomeres, the healthier, stronger, and longer our lives. Each time a cell divides, the telomere gets shorter, until…Continue Reading

White Magic: Inner Healing

White Magic: Inner Healing

White Magic, white rabbit, white unicorn= healing miracles. White Magic is about going deep, seeking the elusive connection within, sparking illumination that creates miracles in the real world. We all know it happens. It’s magic because we can’t explain it…yet. Words aren’t enough to do justice to a profound inner shift. I believe my body…Continue Reading

Did You Ever Feel Filled with Light?

Did You Ever Feel Filled with Light?

It’s a ‘Lightness of Being’ Feeling The feeling is Amazing! You can’t ‘think’ your way there, but there is a way. Just gift yourself with 3 min. I start with deep breathing, because then my body knows it’s safe to relax, calm down, and all is well. I think about the breaths going in &…Continue Reading

Magic of Synchronicity

Magic of Synchronicity

 Synchronicity Abounds Everywhere On a trip last Spring to Asheville, NC, to visit my cousin, I came across an artist whose work really drew me in. We had toured every warehouse studio complex by this time, and the art was great to see, but didn’t call to me personally. Then in an upstairs, large, bright…Continue Reading