Category Archives: Connecting

Art of the Print

Art of the Print

Like my Ravens? You can have it in a Print! My website is updated with new work being listed often, I’ve found a high quality printing company I can work with, and now prints are available in a variety of sizes. Sample my creatures page here There are some landscapes and florals represented with…Continue Reading

Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

  I had an interesting encounter with Napoleon in Abiquiu’. There’s definitely a major energy movement in the Universe when you consciously give yourself over to the moment. Whatever the reason for doing a Random Act of Kindness, in honor of someone, for a cause, to remember a loved one who has passed, the power…Continue Reading

Holy Alliance

Holy Alliance

‘Holy Alliance’ by Rebecca Haines, wonderful Santa Fe artist. Just returned from an inspiring Santa Fe journey. Santa Fe, NM, is all about big sky country, high desert pinon & juniper, and fantastic art! We walked the Plaza, ate at Pasquales, and toured the galleries, taking in all the sites, scents, and feelings intrinsic to…Continue Reading

We are Addicted to Connecting

We are Addicted to Connecting

Our World is One of Connection. We look outside ourselves for so much! Connections, our ‘Tribe’, co-workers, besties, admirers, followers, ‘Likers’, Sharers, re-Tweeters, re-Pins, provide approval, validation, & respect. We see them as sending us love, understanding, recognition, an identity….a place where we ‘fit’ in. The Internet has especially brought this world of adulation, or…Continue Reading

Head to Heart=thru the Hands

Head to Heart=thru the Hands

Creativity is Vital to Balancing our Thoughts with our Feelings. Creating Art, writing, journaling, annotating lyrics and melodies are major to integrating all information into ways of living life. When you hear wonderful concepts, see amazing role models, learn about approaches to live a happy fulfilled life, the way to make it your own, to…Continue Reading

Symbols Flow All thru Art

Symbols Flow All thru Art

Symbols are subtle, ancient, and strike us at our core. The Moon, circle, spiral, square, the 4 directions, the 5 pointed star, since primitive times, symbols bridge the gap between reality and its essence. They hit us where our elemental, primitive Self resides. They are the language of Spirit, filled with meaning, and transcending Time.…Continue Reading

A Painting has a Life All Its Own

A Painting has a Life All Its Own

  I was dreaming of Maxfield Parrish skies & clouds. But once I started wiping, rolling, and spraying paint, new colors & images started to appear. It became a living landscape of some other world. Then while reading a book about signs & symbols thru the ages, the Moon started forming into a wonderful, complex…Continue Reading

The Art of the Flower

The Art of the Flower

Flowers are Metaphors for the cycle of Life, Death, and Resurrection! Some people seem to see flowers as frivolous, purely decorative items lacking the power to make an impact in the world. The reality is that without flowers, humanity would very likely never have evolved. The first plants were conifers, huge trees with cones, that…Continue Reading