Category Archives: Connecting

I became a 12 yr old again!

I became a 12 yr old again!

Rainy Summer Days are Perfect Movie Days! Tomorrowland, here I come. Yesterday I was transported back to my 12 yr old self. The dark movie theater,  fresh popcorn, a Walt Disney movie, and me….all the alchemy needed to immerse myself into non-thinking mode, and be carried back in time. “Tomorrowland” sounded like fun, but I…Continue Reading

Learning Resilience Changes your Brain

Learning Resilience Changes your Brain

Learning to Cope with Stress Changes your Baseline brain imagery. Resilience, learning to deal with traumatic, stressful conditions, big and small, is a true life-saver. A fascinating article in the May 16, issue of Time magazine, tells of 20 yr research by two psychiatrists who have found a way to image the brain before resilient…Continue Reading

Thrilling the Soul

Thrilling the Soul

Keep the Soul excited with fascinating, sensual things, but don’t kill yourself. There’s a reason some activities, some ‘sports’, are called ‘Extreme’. The body is not made to continually push itself to the extreme without giving away in some way, shape, or form. I keep thinking of Dean Potter, who leaped off a peak in…Continue Reading

Balance Events in Equal Amounts

Balance Events in Equal Amounts

For Example, a Dentist at 11, MUST be followed by a French Bistro lunch! For any anticipated event that dredges up deep-seated emotions, like the usual dental check-up/cleaning, plan ahead for the most wonderful drive through the woods leading to the most fabulous secret French Bistro possible!! Admittedly, easier to do in Ct than in…Continue Reading