Category Archives: Connecting

A World of Sharing

A World of Sharing

How do we use our passion to find our Unique Gift to the World? Everyone is Sharing. We see others quotes, images, and thoughts written up, posted, liked, twittered, linked, pinned, and spread like wildfire all over cyberspace. I DO see that this is an amazing time to be able to Share anything, with friends…Continue Reading

Less is More….

Less is More….

Having less, doing less, can often bring the biggest reward. Sometimes keeping it simple, not overworking anything, brings the best results. We’ve all heard that fewer calories eaten each day lead to a longer life. Along with that, less sweets, carbs, red meat, and processed foods also bring a healthier way of life. Plus, the…Continue Reading

We Are the Dance of Life

We Are the Dance of Life

Macroscopically, all Matter constantly Moves in Rhythmic Patterns. We are waves, we are particles. Restless, flowing, unceasing movement vibrates continually within every stone, piece of metal, leafy growth, and body. Waves are everywhere to be seen. Ever see the video of the flocks of starlings over Rome as they whirl, stream, in ebb and flow…Continue Reading

Art Museums: my Refuge and Inspiration

Art Museums: my Refuge and Inspiration

I immerse myself in Art & leave the world behind. Many years ago, I was divorced when my daughter was just a year old. Week-ends when she visited her father, left me rambling around finding something, anything, to stop the chatter of my monkey mind. I found myself at the Chicago Art Institute many times.…Continue Reading