Category Archives: Creativity

Turtle Wisdom

Turtle Wisdom

Turtle Wisdom is ancient knowledge, power, protection, and resilience. Civilizations for thousands of years have honored Turtle as a Spirit Guide symbolizing the Moon, Water, Flow, time, and The Earth Herself. She literally walked into my life. While exploring an out of the way beach along the Atlantic, i heard a rhythmic thumping sound as…Continue Reading

Moonlight At The Oasis

Moonlight At The Oasis

Moonlight at the Oasis is touching the sweet stillness of night. The images are a bit fuzzy, the scent a bit heavy, the colors more muted. This is a transition time for body, mind, and soul. Let’s enter this magic moment with awareness, intention, and purpose. First of all, make this time as relaxed and…Continue Reading

Winter Solstice Light

Winter Solstice Light

Winter Solstice Light ushers in the quiet, contemplative, feast of Light celebration. Specifically, it’s the return of the Sun back to the North, from it’s farthest journey South. Here we enter the mysterious Dreamtime, the darkest, longest night of the year, to plant new seeds of ideas and dreams for our future Selves. As we…Continue Reading

Other Realities Owl

Other Realities Owl

Other Realities Owl is the messenger between the worlds since ancient times. She holds the ancient wisdom of the ages. Athena called on her, as well as her Roman counterpart, Minerva. Plus, carrying the owl amulet promised inner knowing, seeing through the darkest times, and prophecy. The Ancients believed owl carry insights and inspiration through…Continue Reading

Ancient Memory

Ancient Memory

Ancient Memory reminded me of 3 Basic Truths. Everything we do comes from what we believe, where we place our attention, and ultimately, what we do. First of all, it’s an intuitive painting. No sketch, not working from an image, and using two brushes simultaneously, one in each hand, I just painted. Doing without thinking…Continue Reading

Dawn of the Owl

Dawn of the Owl

Dawn of the Owl is the messenger between the worlds. She glides silently into our dawn, waking consciousness with ideas, directions, and surprising brilliant insights. Problems are solved in amazing ways. This is touching the magic and being aware from a deep subconscious level. But our actual owls have returned! They are huge, curious, and…Continue Reading

Raven Calls the Moon

Raven Calls the Moon

Raven Calls the Moon is about seeking the mystery and finding a balance in life. Lately, there have been so many emotions flowing that can completely overwhelm a person. The World ‘out there’ is a mess of emotional energy that influences the atmosphere, charges encounters, and creates upheaval physically. Suddenly, good people need immediate surgery.…Continue Reading

Create Your Own World

Create Your Own World

Create Your Own World to have the best life ever. These are times to truly take care of yourself in every way. You have to be safe in health, security, and actions. This involves being aware of all you do, acting from your feelings, and choosing wisely who to trust. First of all, your own…Continue Reading

Navigating Extreme Changes

Navigating Extreme Changes

Navigating Extreme Changes calls for making conscious choices. Fall has always been a time of shifting gears. Pumpkins appear everywhere, geese are gathering attempting V formations, and Skeletons hang on trees. It’s a restart time, away from the warmth of summer, to blustery days ahead. Nature triggers a change. Soft rains become torrential downpours, hummingbirds…Continue Reading

Turtle Wisdom
Moonlight At The Oasis
Living The Dream
Winter Solstice Light
Other Realities Owl
Ancient Memory
Dawn of the Owl
Raven Calls the Moon
Create Your Own World
Navigating Extreme Changes