Category Archives: Art of Health

Living a Healthful Life is an Art Form. Here’s some food, exercise, and other thoughts.

Art Museums: my Refuge and Inspiration

Art Museums: my Refuge and Inspiration

I immerse myself in Art & leave the world behind. Many years ago, I was divorced when my daughter was just a year old. Week-ends when she visited her father, left me rambling around finding something, anything, to stop the chatter of my monkey mind. I found myself at the Chicago Art Institute many times.…Continue Reading

Letting Go, Simplifying Life, Strengthens You

Letting Go, Simplifying Life, Strengthens You

Clean up your act, and see what Happens! The Universe hates a void! Every time we have downsized, or thought we were de-cluttering our life of THINGS, the Universe has opened up new doors to experience! Each time I’ve moved, and there have been many moves in my life, I have cleaned out, donated, sold,…Continue Reading