Category Archives: Art of Health

Living a Healthful Life is an Art Form. Here’s some food, exercise, and other thoughts.

The WHY of Life

The WHY of Life

Fear, Risk, Challenge, Worth It? I’ve been reading these judgement calls lately. People doing things that AREN’T fun, or they don’t even think of how it makes them feel, but do IT because it’s the ‘thing’ to do. It gives validity! It’s the next step that everyone else is doing. I’ll write the book, create…Continue Reading

It’s About Time

It’s About Time

I Am Timeless. Walking the ancient streets of Paris, Istanbul, or Crete, or creating Art in my studio, give me the great experience of Being Out of Time. Away from the world of schedules, lists, deadlines, have-tos, it’s pure living in the moment, in complete Mindfulness. I feel amazed and inspired when this happens! It’s…Continue Reading

Gift your Body with Health

Gift your Body with Health

Time to Look at Health This changing of the Seasons Time is perfect for evaluating our Health. Here in the colder part of the country, we have fires blazing daily, central heat flowing, and humidifiers running full blast. Dry air everywhere! Our bodies need attention both inside and out. More glasses of water throughout the…Continue Reading

Winds of Change

Winds of Change

“Brother Wind”, Pat Gullett Shifting Gears As the winds are gusting at 30mph today, I see so many things come and go…with these changes happening faster all the time! DIY Anything, from jewelry making to home composts, done just for the experience, not necessarily to really gain any lifelong expertise, is in vogue for a…Continue Reading

Love Your Self

Love Your Self

Love Yourself First Light the candle, use the good china, wear your favorite jewelry, play your wonderful music, surround yourself with things you love, treat yourself as you would treat a best friend, a lover, a beloved. You have always been in charge of making yourself happy, whether you recognized that fact or not. You…Continue Reading

Creative Energy

Creative Energy

Manifesting Form with our Creative Energy I just read a fascinating interview with Erin Rivera Merriman in Ornament Magazine, Vol 37 #4, about everyone being born with a tremendous amount of creative energy that we use to manifest our lives every day! Whether you think of it or not, we are all artists creating/manifesting every…Continue Reading

Fall New England Style

Fall New England Style

View from my Living Room Expresso steaming, bit of a Nor-easter moving through, and the leaves are turning. Starting out the day with beauty, peace, and soft music is definitely the way to go! No email, weather updates, or text messages can compare to this. I find I take deeper breaths here, am more relaxed,…Continue Reading