Category Archives: Art of Health

Living a Healthful Life is an Art Form. Here’s some food, exercise, and other thoughts.

Secret Kingdoms

Secret Kingdoms

Secret Kingdoms of the Soul Secret Kingdoms are personal. We all have one whether we honor it or not. They are our World within, our escape and refuge from the World above. Furthermore, Secret Kingdoms are filled with colorful images, embellished memories, and dreams of magical places. Imagination lives here. Where would your Magic Wand…Continue Reading

Winter Solstice Intentions

Winter Solstice Intentions

Winter Solstice Intentions- Restart Life Winter Solstice Intentions are powerful to restart life. When everything seems to be falling apart, I become Bear and seek the solace, the peace, the stillness of the cave within, to find myself again. Furthermore, I know this path. I have ‘remodeled’ my life many times over the years. Yet,…Continue Reading

Gratitude Equals Happiness

Gratitude Equals Happiness

Gratitude Equals Happiness For All You Have, Do, and Are Gratitude Equals Happiness as I look upon the ‘things’ in my life. First of all, I’ve filled my home with mementos of the journey, from found childhood toys, to souvenirs from exotic places. Having triggers of memory floods my mind with images of past wonderful…Continue Reading

Soul-Friend Ancient Mystical Wisdom

Soul-Friend Ancient Mystical Wisdom

Soul-Friend Ancient Mystical Wisdom Soul Memory, Anam Cara, Shares Your Innermost Heart Soul-Friend Ancient Mystical Wisdom, the Souls memory, has been beautifully and mystically written about by the late great Irish writer John O”Donohue. His ‘Anam Cara’ take us deep beneath the surface of life, beauty, love and friendship. First of all, this is an…Continue Reading

Protecting Personal Energy

Protecting Personal Energy

Protecting Personal Energy in The Field of The World Protecting Personal Energy is more important than ever in these shifting times. I recall learning to shield, to protect, and to create boundaries. Everything is connected. First of all, when I first moved to New England, a friend of mine from Chicago, introduced me to a…Continue Reading

Gathering to Create Art Brings Me Home to Myself

Gathering to Create Art Brings Me Home to Myself

We gather to come home, to Re-member Our scattered pieces, to Bring Ourselves back to Wholeness. Gathering to create art, we enter our sanctuary, our safe haven, our personal space. Here we can say whatever is on our mind and what matters most to us, as we imagine our world of love. First of all,…Continue Reading

Healing Mandalas Magic

Healing Mandalas Magic

 Shimmering Colors, Symbolic Shapes, Sound and Focus Create Healing Mandalas Magic What is Healing Mandalas Magic? How does making a Mandala heal the body? I wanted to know. I had read about amazing healing results on many sites. While a cancer healing, a successful surgery, and psychological fragmentation made whole, were written in detail by…Continue Reading