Category Archives: Art of Health

Living a Healthful Life is an Art Form. Here’s some food, exercise, and other thoughts.

Practice the Art of Manifesting

Practice the Art of Manifesting

 Finding Yourself, Taking the Artistic Inner Journey, then Manifesting Money, Clients, Fans, Heart’s Desire by Taking the Steps We all learn by Doing. You can’t just wish and hope, dream and affirm, read and know, without taking the steps to Move you Forward in Life. Manifesting is creating something you can see, feel, and measure.…Continue Reading

Manifesting Money

Manifesting Money

Here’s a Bouquet of Freedom, Abundance, and Adventure. Manifesting Money Added to the Journey to the Dreamtime Classes Something I’ve worked with all my life, manifesting money in a changing world, will be the new third section of each Dreamtime Class. It’s Time we all opened up our attitudes about allowing money to flow into…Continue Reading

Dealing With Overwhelm: 3 Ways To Move Forward

Dealing With Overwhelm: 3 Ways To Move Forward

Finding Myself After Overwhelm. Getting Unstuck & Moving Forward I woke up last week with all the chaotic events of the world running rampant through my mind. These tragedies pouring through the news stop you in your tracks with grief, sadness, and despair….if you let them. Not even getting out of bed, I asked, “How…Continue Reading

Jan 1st Full Moon: 3 Ways to Artistic Success

Jan 1st Full Moon: 3 Ways to Artistic Success

The New Year of Letting Go of All that Doesn’t Work This is the year of starting fresh, trying new approaches, and moving forward in all we do. Let’s begin by setting a Focus. None of us can afford to keep doing what doesn’t work. For me that’s shifting how I share my art/writing. Narrowing…Continue Reading

Making Connections, Growing our Community

Making Connections, Growing our Community

Making Connections. If we Ganged Together like the Raven Tribes, We’d be Healthier, Happier, and Wise…so ‘They’ Say Being in one group or many, part of a community/family, gives life more meaning, helps us find acceptance, and often adds years for a happier life. We can sense this is true! The ravens have a coach/lookout…Continue Reading

4 Ways to Hit the ‘Reboot Life’ Button

4 Ways to Hit the ‘Reboot Life’ Button

 A large POP sent me scurrying around the house trying to get my Power back While re-setting timers, clocks, and tripped switches, I found my Mac needed an upgrade, which really put me on hold. The whole computer froze up, was beyond Slow, and I had to walk away while it uploaded, replaced, and optimized…Continue Reading

4 Ways to Re-energize Yourself

4 Ways to Re-energize Yourself

Fall Re-Energizing – What Fills You? Time to pause, readjust those Big Dreams, and really Feel into what I need to jump start excitement, energy, and fun. Simplify. Those plans to cook an Indian meal became comparing recipes, realizing how many steps were involved, shifting to possibly take-out would be nice, and ending up with…Continue Reading