Category Archives: Art of Health

Living a Healthful Life is an Art Form. Here’s some food, exercise, and other thoughts.

Walking in Footsteps

Walking in Footsteps

  Traveling, Staying in a New Place, Living like a Local, Opens New Eyes to the World.   Not only do you experience a new way of approaching life, from buying groceries to getting around a new city, but you are walking the paths of all the ancestors who have come before. Everywhere you go,…Continue Reading

Feed Your Soul

Feed Your Soul

What transports you away from the world of transitory things, to the deeper Other World of Inner Peace? What path leads you to the place where you know personally that you are just fine, and all is well in your world? Escaping the routine does that. Consciously stepping away from the daily habits of life,…Continue Reading

We Create Our Own Reality Daily

We Create Our Own Reality Daily

“If you can’t find the truth right where you are, where do you expect to find it?” Dogen Zendi Birth your Reality every day. Each summer morning, I look for our 2 rabbits, inhale the pungent morning scent of blooming flowers and cool woods, listen to light classical or meditative instrumental music, and savor a…Continue Reading

Art as Healing

Art as Healing

I’ve always believed my art was a reflection of my life. While going through a relationship changing misunderstanding with my cousin, I was drawn to paint our stormy, windy, powerful thunder and lightening, roaring sky happening. It was an upheaval of major proportions to our land and to my inner peaceful heart. By creating this…Continue Reading

Your Reality is In Front of You

Your Reality is In Front of You

Reality is not what you read, or someone else’s Fairy Tale filled with fear, it’s what you see, hear, touch, and feel, right before your very eyes! In this moment, you are making a choice where to put your emotions, your beliefs, your attention, and that creates your personal healing, depression, love or fear. We…Continue Reading

Honoring Paris

Honoring Paris

Remembering the beauty, strength, and endurance of my beloved Paris. The blues and yellows recall a timelessness, delicate strength, and enduring beauty of the ancient city of Paris. We were there as in a dream, walking the streets, loving the art, experiencing the people just last year. It’s as though we wanted to memorize every…Continue Reading