Future Memory

Raven of New Light continues the Raven Tales of bringing Light to mankind. She carries the ease, comfort, love, and harmony of letting go of old, and allowing inner wisdom, enlightenment, and harmony to navigate life. The inner journey of light begins the transformation. First Raven was white. She has always been a protector, prophet,…… Continue Reading
Spring Equinox Moon is our half moon dancing above the shifting tides. This is a time of balance as the Sun pauses midway between the Winter & Summer Solstice. An Astronomical Marker in the great cycle of life, it is a time to for us to regain our energy, feel our roots, and replenish our…… Continue Reading
Magical Light brings in a new way of living. It’s the mystical convergence of the powerful New Moon, Equinox, and Spring, that says it’s an Astronomical Time of Change in the Universe. The ancients lit bonfires to let go of old things, hopes, and dreams, and open the doorway for the New Way. We each…… Continue Reading
Shift in Perspective begins as a subtle feeling. It’s hard to describe, but you know things are changing. First, it happens within you, and like the painting above, it feels as though you are stepping out of a cave. Light starts to glimmer, heaviness peels away, and life opens up to you in New Ways…… Continue Reading
Seeing Magic calls for a shift in your perception. It’s always there, waiting to be found. Set your intention to see the Magic all around you, and you completely change your inner self. First of all, Magic brings a heightened feeling of the sacred. I remember this shift in my body and mind when I…… Continue Reading
Going Beyond where you are today, moving forward even in small steps in mindfulness, opens to new possibilities. Plus, Living consciously all through the day, creates magic. Instead of the world telling us what to do, and then just following along, usually without thinking, we choose our life’s direction. By being aware, and consciously making…… Continue Reading
Three Magic Owls are the wisdom of choice in a changing world. They are recognizing the two parts of ourselves that present completely different approaches to life. One is the little self, many call it the Ego, who carries a fear of change, wants to hold onto what it thinks is safe, and feels powerless…… Continue Reading
Dreaming The New Earth puts me in balance with a changing world. Painting, creativity, art, takes me into the inner realm, a sacred journey, to the land of possibilities. Here Source lives. Also, it’s the invisible place of all dreams, inspiration, and ideas before becoming manifest. Especially now, during New Moon and Solar Eclipse occurring…… Continue Reading
Traveler’s Moon is seeing each new day as a traveler through life. This feeling calls for being filled with curiosity, seeing the new beauty that arises with each sunrise, and thrilling at awesome discoveries just waiting for you the observer. Pretend you’re a visitor from a far off place, seeing your home, land, and people…… Continue Reading