Category Archives: Spirituality

Enter The Dreaming

Enter The Dreaming

Enter the Dreaming is consciously entering the Dark of the year to ignite your passion and Light. This is a Letting Go time of releasing all the past year experiences, and going into the misty Unknown. Plus, this place between the worlds renews body & soul, and allows a fresh start. All possibilities live here,…Continue Reading

Ancient Magic

Ancient Magic

Ancient Magic is exploring the Unknown as you learn more about yourself and the world. It’s connecting and communicating with the Other World of Spirit, Dreams, and inspiration. The goal is to integrate more wisdom, knowledge, and light. Owl is Wisdom. As Spirit Guide to the goddess Athena, little owl perched on her shoulder, and…Continue Reading

Moon Dance

Moon Dance

Moon Dance started with our Hazy Moon, lost in the smoke of Canadian wildfires spreading thoughout our night sky. The scent of smoke hangs in the air. Also, a very surreal summer feeling fills both day and night. It turns the Sun orange, cools the temperatures, and casts strange shadows through the trees. Next, inspired…Continue Reading

Secret Garden II

Secret Garden II

Secret Garden II is that quiet sanctuary within each of us where we can escape, do anything, and create a life for ourselves. This safe haven is our own personal space to dream, evolve, and find meaning. My Secret Garden came about with a Celestial Event happening. The crescent Moon in Earthshine, aligned with super…Continue Reading

Hawk Moon, Art & Stories

Hawk Moon, Art & Stories

Hawk Moon, Art & Stories signals a time of deep listening. Here lives inner wisdom to find your path, and blaze a new trail. There are always two choices. The first is to stay on the worn path. It’s become a bit stagnant, but you know it well. In addition, deep down you also know…Continue Reading

Sanctuary By The Sea

Sanctuary By The Sea

Sanctuary by the Sea has 3 major parts for art and life. First, it starts with the Dream for inspiration. Second, comes the Past, memories that immerse all our senses in the body. Third, we touch the Present, that grounds us in our reality today. Consciously combining these parts of yourself in all your choices,…Continue Reading

3 Hares Mystery

3 Hares Mystery

3 Hares Mystery is an ancient symbol from China. Thousands of years old, it was first discovered in ancient Chinese cave temples, but then spread to sacred sites throughout Asia, Europe, and the UK. Plus, from synagogues to cathedrals, the mystery has been shared without any definitive explanation or origin story. So the general belief…Continue Reading

Finding The Magic

Finding The Magic

Finding the Magic is a mysterious journey. I often go looking for it. First, I put myself in a place away from the busyness of people, computers, tv, and daily routines. I seek magical places of deep forests, fairies, spirits, and crystal stones. Seeing in mindfulness, I look to powerful skies and creeks running through…Continue Reading

Enter The Dreaming
Ancient Magic
Opening Heart
Moon Dance
Secret Garden II
Hawk Moon, Art & Stories
Sanctuary By The Sea
Full Wind Moon
3 Hares Mystery
Finding The Magic