Category Archives: Spirituality

The Dream Place is Another World

The Dream Place is Another World

The Dream Place is Another World, as true as our waking reality. My Dream House is where I begin, as I drift off to another dimension each night. It is filled with rooms, billowing sheer curtains, breezy warm days, and surrounded by beauty. Next, different paths lead off the back. One to a long beach…Continue Reading

Tapping the Deep Well of Creativity

Tapping the Deep Well of Creativity

Tapping The Deep Well of Creativity allows spirit to flow through you. It’s an amazing process that can be achieved with patience and practice. For example, to figure out where I am at this moment in time, I jot down thoughts, ideas, phrases or images that come to me throughout the day. Then, I walk…Continue Reading

Spring Is the Renewal Time for Self

Spring Is the Renewal Time for Self

Spring is the renewal time in the sea, the land, and especially within ourselves. We welcome Astronomical Spring as the ancients did, with the Sun hovering at the equator. Now that the The Equinox pause has ushered in Spring, tides surge, waves flow, and we feel new stirrings to reconnect, rebirth, and renew ourselves. I…Continue Reading

Create Your Own Magic

Create Your Own Magic

Create Your own magic this Autumn to fully live every day. The Fall captures all our senses in wondrous ways. The crisp leaves rustling on the pavement, the colors transforming the earth from luscious green to gold, red, and orange, and the brilliant leaves drifting like fairies in the breeze, combine to make a wonderland,…Continue Reading

Finding Your Personal Sanctuary

Finding Your Personal Sanctuary

Finding Your Personal Sanctuary is necessary for balance in a busy world. Our sanctuary is a quiet place to listen deeply to the whispers of knowing and inspiration that come our way. We so often use our eyes to see the world ‘clearly’. Yet that isn’t the only, and possibly not even the best sense…Continue Reading

Awaken Your Spirit Animal Connections

Awaken Your Spirit Animal Connections

Awaken your Spirit Animal connections to balance and nurture yourself. Spirit animals come to us unexpectedly in emails, snail mail, notifications, the news, and on calendars, as well as in person. I was seeing pandas everywhere! Plus, I was physically surrounded by butterflies! But of all the messengers, the Monarch was the biggest, brightest surprise.…Continue Reading

Create True Magic

Create True Magic

Create True Magic every day. 3 ways to open to the mystery are to Believe, Dream, and Explore. Life becomes what you think it is, that’s why we each have our own reality. Also, if you Believe in the unknown, seek the unexpected, and allow for serendipity, new possibilities will flow in throughout the day.…Continue Reading

Bear of Compassion

Bear of Compassion

Bear of Compassion brings love home. Here Great Bear gathers with the Snail of ‘home’, and the Butterfly of ‘Spirit’ for a communion of the heart. We can learn so much from each of them. Great Bear knows to go within to find her strength and power for wellness, energy, or direction. Healing bear has…Continue Reading

The Source of All Life

The Source of All Life

The Source of all Life has been recognized as the vast Sea, the Mother Ocean, with never ending waves upon the shore, by nearly every ancient civilization. Furthermore, traces of our Earth Mother, Amphitrite, Sedna, Yemaya, Oshun, or Mither are carried in the salt water of our womb and tears. What are we made of?…Continue Reading

Jeweled Nests Are A Portal

Jeweled Nests Are A Portal

Jeweled Nests are a Portal to rebirth every day. You’re building jeweled nests or messy whatever nests every day, whether you know it or not. Just like the New Moon, each day has the power to become a new beginning filled with adventure, interest, and growth. First of all, nests are your foundation for your…Continue Reading

The Dream Place is Another World
Tapping the Deep Well of Creativity
Spring Is the Renewal Time for Self
Create Your Own Magic
Finding Your Personal Sanctuary
Awaken Your Spirit Animal Connections
Create True Magic
Bear of Compassion
The Source of All Life
Jeweled Nests Are A Portal