The Perfect Wave

Sacred Mountains, the San Francisco Peaks of Northern Arizona, are the Sacred Home of the Hopi Kachinas. The Hopi say that in the ancient past, during a time of great drought, they heard singing and dancing in the Great Mountains. Following the songs, they met a line of Spirit Beings coming down to their village.…… Continue Reading
Mountains of Dreams brings back all the wonderful memories of exploring the Southwest for the first time. This is home to ancient traditions, rituals, tribal dances, and magic. One breathes deeper here as they travel the road North from desert to vast mountain ranges. Back then, having lived in Chicago all my life, my art…… Continue Reading
Mountain Springs shows the magnificent Sangre de Christo Mountains, leading up to Santa Fe. The land shifts from city, to high desert as each mile passes. Plus, the air smells sweet, the skies shimmer with incredible colors of pinks and gold, and the horizon stretches out to one of the longest mountain ranges in the…… Continue Reading
Play of Light is so amazing as the Sun hits more extreme angles and illuminates gold! On our Litchfield Hills, layers of brilliance appear, valleys lighten up, misty lavenders glide over the land, and changing colors brighten up the landscape. It’s like a dreamscape, another world. I recall reading the ‘flowering of human consciousness’ in…… Continue Reading
Traveler’s Moon is seeing each new day as a traveler through life. This feeling calls for being filled with curiosity, seeing the new beauty that arises with each sunrise, and thrilling at awesome discoveries just waiting for you the observer. Pretend you’re a visitor from a far off place, seeing your home, land, and people…… Continue Reading
Flowing Light is gaining wisdom, having experiences, and moving energy with intention and Love. This is why we’re here. Raising consciousness means living with awareness and choice in all we do. There are many ways to do this. ‘Flowing Light’ is from Crete. I loved the image of golden lights in the sky and sea.…… Continue Reading
Ancient Harbor reminds us that our safe harbor is within us, just waiting to be remembered, always ready to get us through all the changing times. We, too are strong, have resilience, and can weather the storms through space and time. Life has proven that since we’re all still here. A flood of emotion rolled…… Continue Reading
Golden Sunset Revelation is the promise that all will be well. The Earth always manages to right herself in her own majestic way. And it works the same way with our human extremes of deepest depths of sorrow, magically shifting into golden light, beauty, and peace. Life is constantly in cycles of evolving balance. As…… Continue Reading
Spring Reflections, my new painting, is an image taken from the speeding auto-train taking us from Florida to Virginia. The best things about this trip were that we didn’t have to drive for three days, and the images I captured from the train. Trains go through some wild territory. For example, the land is swampy,…… Continue Reading