Category Archives: Travel

Spirits of Place

Spirits of Place

Spirits of Place Hold an Energy, a Power, a Feeling Spirits of Place, or even of an object, can be felt by our Heart intuition and Gut instinct. Last week, upon entering John Bosshard’s long, narrow building filled with antiques, we felt a calm presence there. Buddhas, sculptures, and architectural items each told a story…Continue Reading

Leonardo’s Art & Science

Leonardo’s Art & Science

A model of one of his Flying Machine theories Leonardo’s Art & Science Is Magic Leonardo’s Art Science Museum is like entering the adult Disney World. Actually seeing the amazing curious models of Leonardo’s inventions brings wonder, awe, and great humility to my soul. Plus, being in Florence, where he spent his early formative years,…Continue Reading

The Art of Rome Magic

The Art of Rome Magic

; Angel Playing the Viola by Melozzo de Forli (degli Ambrosi) Vatican Museum The Art of Rome Magic: The Pantheon, Inspiring, Haunting The Art of Rome Magic of the Pantheon makes me ‘see’ life in a new way. Michelangelo thought this temple was built by the Angels. Unbelievable that I’m mingling with Romans on the…Continue Reading

Living The Dream

Living The Dream

If You Can’t Dream it, You Can’t Live It Somewhere along the way, probably at the impressionable teen years, the goal to work hard, study, and accomplish something successful was implanted deep in my psyche. That hypnotic thought still lurks deep in the depths, keeping my life filled with busy-ness, without considering what it is…Continue Reading

Make New Good Memories

Make New Good Memories

A Fall Equinox Pause to Remember and Make NEW Good Memories Happy Autumnal Equinox, when the Sun crosses the Celestial equator, and every thing is equal. Earth is not tilted towards nor away from the Sun. It’s the midway mark between the Summer Solstice and the Winter Solstice. Equinox marks the Sun rising due East,…Continue Reading

5 Ways to Slow Down Summer ‘Time’

5 Ways to Slow Down Summer ‘Time’

Time is a Perception, and Perceptions Change all the Time! When I walk the streets of Mystic, Ct., I feel as though time stands still. Founded in 1654, the restored historic homes filling the town were once owned by Sea Captains, shipbuilders, and sailors, and take me back to a time when tall ships first…Continue Reading

Magic of Synchronicity

Magic of Synchronicity

 Synchronicity Abounds Everywhere On a trip last Spring to Asheville, NC, to visit my cousin, I came across an artist whose work really drew me in. We had toured every warehouse studio complex by this time, and the art was great to see, but didn’t call to me personally. Then in an upstairs, large, bright…Continue Reading