Category Archives: Trusting Self

Dreaming The Future

Dreaming The Future

Dreaming the Future in a land of magic, symbols, beauty, and surprises. Allow your mind to flow to an inner landscape of the heart for direction, ideas, and shifts. Furthermore, this is an altered reality most people can enter without any mind-altering substances. Once you know the feel of it, and overcome your own inhibitions,…Continue Reading

Entering Our Stillpoint

Entering Our Stillpoint

Entering Our Stillpoint, is living from our Center, our Core, in mindfulness and balance. We connect on a deeper level with our original Source of Light, energy, intuition, and love that we brought with us at birth. There are practices to bring us back to ourselves. I remember a dance/movement teacher from Columbia College. She…Continue Reading

A Shift in the Air

A Shift in the Air

A Shift in the Air came overnight. As the days get shorter, the owls come out sooner. Other creatures, like deer, ravens, and hawks float silently through the changing forest like ghosts, reappearing and just as quickly, disappearing! No wonder this feels like such a magical time. Plus, the sky turns pink for awhile, then…Continue Reading

Life is Our Mirror

Life is Our Mirror

Life is our mirror to our inner self. All that you see around you, allows you to discover more about what’s going on inside. In addition, you make images, people, and experiences happen from moment to moment. You are creating your own reality. Realize that truth. Then it’s just time to pay attention to all…Continue Reading

Seek The High Ground

Seek The High Ground

Seek the High Ground to survive in life. Especially during these times of extremes. More than ever, we must listen to our inner guide, move when necessary, and protect ourselves at all costs. Our instincts and intuition are constantly sending messages, if we only listen. We must anticipate in advance our surroundings since our body…Continue Reading

Trusting Yourself Every Day

Trusting Yourself Every Day

Trusting yourself every day is the only way to thrive. Others don’t know you, your body, your feelings, as well as you do. This is especially true as we enter into extreme weather patterns, caring for the body, and being happy in all we do. I was raised to gather all the info possible before…Continue Reading

Bear of Compassion

Bear of Compassion

Bear of Compassion brings love home. Here Great Bear gathers with the Snail of ‘home’, and the Butterfly of ‘Spirit’ for a communion of the heart. We can learn so much from each of them. Great Bear knows to go within to find her strength and power for wellness, energy, or direction. Healing bear has…Continue Reading