Category Archives: Synchronicity

How the Universe co-creates unbelievable possibilities in our lives.

Creativity is a Way of Life

Creativity is a Way of Life

Living Consciousness is Being Aware of Everything! The smoothest way to navigate an ever changing life is to live connected to your deepest intuition in all you do. Your Creator Self is your true Spirit, the one who connects to the Universe to make Magic happen. We’ve all had ‘magical’ experiences, when everything just Flows…Continue Reading

Letting Go, Simplifying Life, Strengthens You

Letting Go, Simplifying Life, Strengthens You

Clean up your act, and see what Happens! The Universe hates a void! Every time we have downsized, or thought we were de-cluttering our life of THINGS, the Universe has opened up new doors to experience! Each time I’ve moved, and there have been many moves in my life, I have cleaned out, donated, sold,…Continue Reading

My Wabi-Sabi Way of Life

My Wabi-Sabi Way of Life

Wabi-Sabi has intrigued me for decades! I made this bowl in the ’70’s, when I first heard of Wabi-Sabi. Very little was written about it at the time, since it’s essence was considered a mystery, an enigma, something only understood by the Oriental mind. It was a way of life, a belief system, a way…Continue Reading

Call me Sherlock…

Call me Sherlock…

I’m Always Drawn to the Mystery I love investigating, working out the clues, following the mystery, delving deeply into the Unknown. Wabi-Sabi is perfect! Here is something that many historically say that to speak of it, is impossible. It is an aesthetic, a deep knowing, a feeling, a way of life. Some say it’s the…Continue Reading

Radical Cleaning Out

Radical Cleaning Out

I have been fiercely Cleaning Up my Space! What makes it so radical? When I get rid of old photos that show us all at our worst just because it’s a moment of time, that’s BIG! I’ve found myself donating sentimental clothes I’ve outgrown, recycling stacks of old Arizona magazines that I haven’t looked at…Continue Reading