Creativity Feeds the Soul!

Creativity Feeds the Soul!

Radiating Goddess of Change & Transformation

The Creative World balances out the Logical One…

People need creativity! By ‘Creativity’ I mean the jumping in with both feet, getting your hands dirty, non-planning, just making something out of nothing, and trying techniques you’ve never done before, FUN Experience. It’s as necessary as Breathing for the life spark of imagination to grow, expand, and thrive. It’s like my grandmother taking a handful of flour, butter, milk, berries and making a pie! It’s scary and thrilling, as well as a deep learning experience about your Self.

And ‘keeping it simple’ here, just won’t do. The more complex anything is, the more your inner Creator Self likes it!! Logical monkey mind cringes at the thought of not making perfection, but this isn’t about comparing yourself to another. This isn’t a competition. Tell logical mind all is well. We’re on an adventure now, and it will be fine.

I can’t allow the economy, or gallery closings, to dictate my creativity. I’ve never created my strongest work according to the ‘trends’, and I could NEVER predict what people will buy! I create because I need to create based on my inspiration at this time.

The online painting class I’m taking with Pauline Agnew in Ireland, ‘See.Feel.Paint-Expressive faces and figures’, is unlike any kind of painting I have ever done. Bravely, we grab our brushes, set up the easel, and paint without sketching. We drop colored inks on wet backgrounds when we’re aren’t pouring it on, and occasionally combine collage with medium for interesting affects. It’s risk-taking at its finest. So I strongly advise this class for anyone ready to learn, to push themselves to new heights, and to be really Brave while sharing your triumphs and flaws with the group. More about Pauline here:

So excuse me now as I get my ‘baby wipes’ and create my rendition of a Rembrandt in ink and paint!

“Lucretia” by Rembrandt


3 Responses to Creativity Feeds the Soul!

  1. Great post Pat! It is amazing to watch these transformations take place, that balance of creativity and logic. Your Radiating Goddess of Change and Transformation is spark for us all!

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