Everything Alive keeps Shifting & Changing
We can never go back, but we certainly are hit with daily realities of all the shifts in our desires, dreams, hopes, and realities. Everything does flow in cycles, but we never end up exactly where we began. It’s more like a spiral cycle of flow, hopefully upwards! The woods keep changing, the skies are amazing hues minute by minute, the weather patterns alter everything, and even the moon, influenced by the atmosphere, appears unique throughout the month.
Art enables us to pay attention, to get into mindfulness, about our personal cycles, shifts, and patterns. Art that reflects our feelings, becomes a snapshot of our inner dream world. Every feeling and thought is very much alive as it is filled with your energy! Thoughts and feelings create everything you see and experience in your personal reality. That’s why no one has the exact same memory of an event. Each of us is shaded by our past experiences, beliefs, fears, and joy.
Art enables us to manifest where we are in life at this moment, and leads us to the next phase, the next work of art, the next leg up on the journey. Doing Art keeps us flowing in the mystical dance of life, of movement, color, and form. They appear on our canvas and keep us from getting stuck along the way. An Art Practice embraces the shifting, changing sea of life and carries us along in the flow. So enjoy the moment, Honor this day, Glorify this experience in the NOW, since it will never be quite the same again! And that’s life!

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