Cycles of Life: Dragonfly Art Studio- Full Moon Power of Magical Long Days
The Cycles of life are moving, shifting, flowing energy patterns on our Journey in Time and Space. Moreover, like the Moon growing Full, we come back to ourselves, remembering, and renewing as we grow. In the center is Spirit, as each phase becomes a milestone of life.
I see it in Art. The Cycle of Life and Art, like the New Moon, begins at the top, and flows in an arc.
At first, we begin as a ‘Novice’, open to new ideas. It’s the exciting beginning of something new, Making Our Mark.
Then there’s the ‘Student’, moving in deeper. The ‘Student’ grasps and applies the language of Art. They discover why they like certain things and are repelled by others.
Next is the ‘Maker’, trusting intuition, learning techniques and tools. ‘Maker’ always has their sketchbook on hand to capture ideas.
Then is the ‘Artisan’, willing to experiment, take artistic risks, and create meaningful personal art.
Lastly comes the ‘Creator’, the ‘Artist’. Similarly, like the Full Moon, ‘Creator’ is complete. They have skills to tell their Personal Story. Art gives them mindfulness to live a deliberate life.
New Beginnings
I’m the Novice again, creating the Dragonfly Art Studio Membership Site. Plus, it’s a New Magical Art place for YOU. Follow a personal success path to Doing Art. All in all, Making Art is a learned skill for EVERYONE.
Creativity runs deep within each of us, and yearns for loving attention. Plus, doing Art is fun and simple when taken in easy bite size pieces. In addition, you build an Art Toolbox with new media each month. Doing Art gives confidence and creative thinking that ripple out to all phases of life. Therefore, Dragonfly Art Studio will be your place to shine, to explore your talents, and to belong to a community of Artistic Mystics.
So, where do you find yourself in the turning Cycle of Life? Do you yearn for a new beginning to make time for your Creator Self? Also, would an organized easy art plan fit your lifestyle? Join us to develop the creative talents you were born with.
Dragonfly Art Studio is in the creative stage. If interested in joining our Tribe, being validated as an artist, and finding your personal Voice, let me know at patgullettdesigns@gmail.com. Or comment below with an email link. I’ll keep you informed of our progress.
Making Time for Art is your Gift to Your Self. Sharing your Art is your Gift to the World. Make a difference in life. We all need you.

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