Finding Myself After Overwhelm. Getting Unstuck & Moving Forward
I woke up last week with all the chaotic events of the world running rampant through my mind. These tragedies pouring through the news stop you in your tracks with grief, sadness, and despair….if you let them. Not even getting out of bed, I asked, “How can I turn this around? What can I do to shift this challenge into a solution? Suddenly, I saw the words in bold letters BECOME THE FORCE FOR GOOD, THE FORCE OF LOVE. This is where the Power lies, and it isn’t power-over. Three basic actions flowed into my mind.
1. Take the artistic Inner Journey for clarity. So I asked,”What would this look like?” In my artistic introvert world, what form would this take? Immediately a fox appeared, watching me in various aspects. This gentle, delicate, creature walked around me on soft padded feet, the silent observer, easily invisible by choice, with the look of innocence in her eyes. The healing colors of turquoise and golden yellow also filled my view. Trust yourself to have the answers you need inside. As the outside world separates and divides, the inner world reveals truths to sustain us.
2. Get into the Body and out of the Head. The painting would do much to sooth my soul, but there was more. The whole image of Move the body, walk, bike, or exercise came through loud and clear. I remember reading about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg’s supremely good work-out routine. Simple but challenging exercises begin with jumping jacks and stretches and move onto squats, planks, side planks, full body push-ups, and curls. Absolutely the best way to get fit, strong, and flexible. She’s my hero, and her routine is certainly a great goal for me to pursue. And also major:
3. Get out and connect with uplifting, encouraging people. It’s so important to be with people who love you, love your work, and surround you with light. Find art accomplices who ignite the fire, expand your dreams, and are inspirations in their own right. It’s a journey within to then bring it all into the Conscious World. Enrolling others in your plans and vision creates an amazing magic to life. Astonishing miracles happen when energies come together to make life exciting, new, and surprising. They help you regain focus, confidence, and clarity. So always turn your emotions around to move forward in life. Ask for help and ideas will flow in, experiences will come your way, and doors will open.
Check out Ruth Bader-Ginsburg’s book, written with her trainer, ‘The RBG Workout’ for a real eye opening experience. And here’s a link to ways to treat yourself with as much compassion, understanding, and care as you give to others.

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