It’s a ‘Lightness of Being’ Feeling
The feeling is Amazing! You can’t ‘think’ your way there, but there is a way. Just gift yourself with 3 min. I start with deep breathing, because then my body knows it’s safe to relax, calm down, and all is well. I think about the breaths going in & coming out slowly, as I placed my hand over my heart. Your attention goes where your hands go. Then it’s a drifting off, allowing good feeling images to wash through you on their own. Mind has no idea what will trigger the doorway. Once I felt filled with the color gold, as though it was flowing from my heart, through me & beyond. When a stream of blue joined it, a jolt of electricity filled me. Another time my thoughts wandered to my parents and daughter when they were young. I was just filled with good feeling emotions that I held onto as long as possible. I want the ‘I Love That’ thing, color, scent, or memory.
The HeartMath Institute says the heart produces the body’s most powerful rhythmic electromagnetic field influenced moment to moment by our emotions. The good ones trigger powerful healing chemicals in the body to strengthen the immune system & body resilience down to the cellular level. The affect goes the other way with darker emotions that produce illness.
‘Eat food that loves you’, says Louise Hay.
All that you do, experience, and believe affects your body, consciousness, and happiness. Look to Nature often. Unplug, unwind, and reconnect every day. Morning of coffee on the deck, watching the Moon go down in the trees, puts me in that place. The scent and crunch of fallen leaves takes me back to a simpler time. Walking in sand on the beach, gazing at any body of water, picturing awesome mountain ranges, dreaming of mysterious forests, all trigger something deep.
Wisely Choose the Company you Keep.
They will take you where you want to go. Uplifting like clouds or dragged down to the depths, friends are like a murmuration of starlings, carrying you away.
So go for the Gold. Find your sweet spot and go there often. Remember to Breathe deeply. Touch your Heart. Let images of good things flow through you. Find a name for it like my ‘Filled with Light’ phrase to help you find your way back. It’s really worth the trip!

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