Doing Art Deep Inner Work. We build so many walls inside ourselves. Discover what really holds you back
Doing art deep inner work begins with what you do. Do you ever find yourself rushing through your art? The strokes are fast, you just want to get through it. I did when I first started out. And then somewhere I read a line that changed everything. When you have no patience for your self or your creativity, it’s because you don’t think you’re good enough. Boom! That set me back.
When we don’t value what we do, we try to get it over with. That’s house cleaning, grocery shopping, making dinner. It doesn’t matter, but just needs to be done. The problem comes when we bring this deep hidden truth into our art.
First we project the blame everywhere else. I don’t have time for art. We blame what ever is in our lives. The kids, the job, the partner, all things we have no control over. We allow the business of the outside world to define us. But the real source of impatience is ourselves.
Why do you have patience for everyone else but yourself? When did you stop valuing your life, your choices, your gifts? So often, when we’re left to ourselves, when the ‘other’ is off somewhere without you, it takes awhile to think what you really want to do. What do you really love? What can you do right now that would make you happy? The truth is that going within, being with yourself, is the only way to be honestly YOU. Doing art brings you back to the inner you, your Truest Self.
Doing art deep inner work must be looked at with love. If you don’t try something, you can’t fail. But playing it safe is not an adventurous way to live your one precious life. We procrastinate in so many creative ways! We create calendars to budget in art time. We arrange our supplies, clean up the area, and get good music. Everything to keep busy and yet not sit down and do our art. Where’s the time to discover our selves, our special creative love, our process of bliss? These are our choices. How deep is the fear that holds us back?
So let’s begin to condition ourselves away from the negative thoughts that hold us back. Instead of judging our work as not good enough, gently shift to everything can be fixed, erased, or painted over. When the thought is that no one will like this, go over to I’m doing this to learn and grow as an artist. Each art piece is fun as I move closer to my artistic goals. I get better with each art work I do. Just make art without any pressure that you’re not improving fast enough, or you have to be great, or it has to be a masterpiece every time. Life is experience, learning, and growing, so allow that to be your way of art, too.
It’s time to love your Self more! Let go of those old conditioned negative put down thoughts you formulated as a kid. Parents, Schools, kids all have a way of building walls of doubt around your success and self worth. Look at your actions with the fresh eyes of an adult, and consciously make a shift. Switch every negative to a positive I can do this, learn this, experience this attitude. Live your passion to create a memorable, unique, consistently creative life worth living. Make the time to find yourself, to do your art, and to share your gift with the world. Don’t let the fear win. Instead, love and value all you do as your perfect piece of the puzzle of life.
Also consider joining Dragonfly Art Studio to find out more about the upcoming Foundation of Art 30 Day Course. It breaks art into small, easy, bite size pieces, that are fun to learn. Create time and space for creativity. You are your Truest Self when creating.

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